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Project refers to a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. This topic explores the various aspects of project management, including planning, executing, and closing projects, as well as the tools and techniques used to achieve project goals efficiently. It covers different methodologies like Agile, Waterfall, and Scrum, providing insights into their application across industries. This topic also discusses the challenges of project management, such as scope creep, risk management, and team coordination.

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This is a fully functional Event Management System using JavaFx and MySQL. It is a one stop event booking service for clients where they can book their event with everything at one place. This app currently has Catering, Locations, Decor Vendors alongwith different Studios all at one place, You do not need to contact different people for differe…

  • Updated Apr 4, 2022
  • Java

Whenever a company requires a service / merchandise , a tender is floated. Company maintains an empaneled list of Vendors. An empaneled vendor can only bid for a tender. Every vendor can bid only once against each tender. Against each tender there may be bids from several vendors. The company will then select the most suitable bid and places the…

  • Updated Nov 21, 2023
  • Java

Created by The project management community


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