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This repo contains all the relevant sourced related to our ACSAC 2018 paper: LoopMC: Using Loops For Malware Classification Resilient to Feature-unaware Perturbations.


The folder utils contains individual utils related to our work.

Semantic labeling

We provided a standalone version of our semantic labeling technique, which will give a semantic label from method name, class and, method signature.

How to use it:

cd utils
# ipython
In [1]: import semantic_labeling as sl

In [2]: sl.get_method_label_by_name('equals', 'Ljava/lang/Object;', 'equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z')

Out[2]: 'ObjectComparision'

You can import the semantic_labeling module into your projects and use it as illustrated above.

Running the entire pipeline

We created a virtual box VM of Ubuntu 16.04, that contains the required dependencies along with all the sources.

Importing and logging into the guest machine

  1. Make sure you have VirtualBox installed on your system.
  2. Download the VM (in OVA format) from here.
  3. Import the Downloaded OVA into VirtualBox: File -> Import Appliance -> specify the file path to the .ova file.
  4. You can login using user: loopmc and password loopmc

Note: We suggest to give to the VM at least 4GB of RAM. For obvious reasons, the more the better.

Running the pipeline

There are four steps in our pipeline that start from a given set of benign and malicious apks.

Activate the virtual environment

cd ~/loopmc/loopmc_code
source ~/virtualenvs/loopmc/bin/activate

The following steps should be run from within the virtual env.

Generating JSON files Database

This steps will disassemble the provided APKs, analyze all the loops and emits JSON files.

Generating JSONS:

cd ~/loopmc/loopmc_code
python -d <directory_containing_apks> -r <directory_where_the_jsons_should_be_stored>


python -d /tmp/apks -r /tmp/apkjsons has other fancier options to run in multi-process mode. You are free to explore.

Dumping into a local database:

cd ~/loopmc/loopmc_code/ml_project/cellophane
python -j <directory_where_the_jsons_are_stored> --generate-db

The above command will create an sqlite DB in the file: /home/loopmc/loopmc/loopmc_code/ml_project/loopmc.db

Generating Label files

This will create auxillary label files needed to create the feature vector.

cd  ~/loopmc/loopmc_code/ml_project/feature_scripts
python <directory_where_the_jsons_are_stored>
cd ~/loopmc/loopmc_code/ml_project/clustering/sklearn
python --vector ../../feature_scripts/vector_data/vector.txt --idmap ../../feature_scripts/vector_data/loop_id_map.txt --available-labels ../../feature_scripts/features_data/available_labels.txt --label-json ../../feature_scripts/features_data/label_tree.json --outdir <directory_where_temp_clusters_should_be_stored>

Generating feature vector

This steps will generate the feature vector which could be used by any machine learning technique.

cd  ~/loopmc/loopmc_code/ml_project/type_classification_scripts
python <directory_where_the_jsons_are_stored> ../feature_scripts/vector_data/loop_id_map.txt <directory_where_temp_clusters_are_stored>/fast_leaf_level_split <output_directory>

Here, <directory_where_temp_clusters_are_stored> is the directory provided in the Generating Label files step.

The above script will generate a file at : <output_directory>/type_clusters.csv, that contains the feature vector for each APK.

NOTE: The script, creates the ground truth labels for APKs based on the name. If you want to change it, please change the function categorize_em_all in the file.

Running Random forest

Once the feature vector is created, you can follow the below steps to run Random forest:

cd ~/loopmc/loopmc_code/ml_project/type_classification_scripts
python <output_directory>/type_clusters.csv <directory_where_temp_clusters_are_stored>/fast_leaf_level_split 

Where, <output_directory>/type_clusters.csv is the file generated in the previous step and <directory_where_temp_clusters_are_stored> is the folder provided in the Generating Label files step.

The results will be stored in the files: score_RF.txt and the folder RF_trees contains the individual trees and the estimator.