About | Installing | Built with | Authors
A Twitter bot project that tracks tweets about Coronavirus, suggests the nearby hospitals and emergencies, the most common symptoms of it, and the number of cases in five countries including Nigeria, South Africa, Cameroun, Rwanda, and Kenya. Here's the project specification: https://www.notion.so/Build-your-own-bot-ebd0d7ac5da240e5987720bdc83f38fa
- Ruby - Ruby
Clone by running the following command;
'git clone https://github.com/udberg/DrRobot.git'
'cd DrRobot'
Unpack (if downloaded);
If you dont have a Twitter API Keys, you will need to apply for a Twitter Developer: https://developer.twitter.com/en
run 'bundle install' before running the app
in your terminal, go to the bin folder and run 'ruby bin/main.rb'
Navigate as much as you'd love to.
Command list:
Type 1 To obtain information about symptoms and nearby emergencies
Type 2 To update about covid numbers
Type 3 To tweet
Type 0 or hold ctrl and type C to leave
To test the code, just cd into the repository's directory and run the command below:
bundle exec rspec
👤 Uduak John
- Github: @udberg
- Twitter: @juduak_
- Linkedin: @Uduak John
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project! They're free...
I share this project under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, so everybody can reuse and modify it. For any external content (e.g. logo, images, ...), please contact the proper author and check their license of use. Thank you!
Template made by Uduak John