Simple sentiment analysis for Elixir based on the AFINN-165 list and some extra enhancements.
It also supports:
- emojis (❤️, 😱...)
- boosters (very, really...)
- negators (don't, not...).
Add veritaserum
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:veritaserum, "~> 0.2.2"}]
To analyze a text
Veritaserum.analyze("I love Veritaserum!") #=> 3
# It also supports emojis
Veritaserum.analyze("I ❤️ Veritaserum!") #=> 2
# It also supports negators
Veritaserum.analyze("I like Veritaserum!") #=> 2
Veritaserum.analyze("I don't like Veritaserum!") #=> -2
#and boosters
Veritaserum.analyze("Veritaserum is cool!") #=> 1
Veritaserum.analyze("Veritaserum is very cool!") #=> 2
You can also pass a list
Veritaserum.analyze(["I love Veritaserum!", "I hate some things!"]) #=> [3, -3]
Documentation can be found on HexDocs.
Clone the repository
git clone
Install dependencies
cd veritaserum
mix deps.get
To run the tests
mix test
To run the lint
mix credo
Pull requests are always welcome =)
The project uses standard-changelog to update the Changelog with each commit message and upgrade the package version.
For that reason every contribution should have a title and body that follows the conventional commits standard conventions (e.g. feat(analyzer): Make it smarter than Jarvis
To make this process easier, you can do the following:
Install commitizen
and cz-conventional-changelog
npm i -g commitizen cz-conventional-changelog
Save cz-conventional-changelog
as default
echo '{ "path": "cz-conventional-changelog" }' > ~/.czrc
Instead of git commit
, you can now run
git cz
and follow the instructions to generate the commit message.