RainDB is a system for SKU information, mapping physical objects to physical containers. Parent-child relationships can be used to establish an organizational tree. A USB barcode scanner would make this application a lot more fun to use!
The author wrote this as a demonstration of CINDI, which is a Meta-DBMS to assist with rapid prototyping of web applications.
This ReactJS application was part of a capstone project to complete the Bottega Full Stack Development Certificate, so any feedback is greatly appreciated...open up an issue in this repository's issue tracker!
Please take a look at the Docker Compose Pack here, it will allow you to start up the multiple images with a single command!
The CINDI instance must be running, and then examine this INDI file to see the necessary INDI statement to login as the ADMIN
Then, start the development server
npm install
npm run start
This was initialized as a devcamp-js-builder project. Otherwise, it is the sole work of the author. The author is available on Libera.Chat under the registered handle ultasun, feel free to message me directly!
Thank you for reading!