This repository demonstrates some essential concept of the UIX framework such as SSR and Web components using the example of a weather app.
Install the UIX command line tool following the Getting Started guide in our documentation.
Clone this repository to your local machine:
$ git clone
Request a free API key from
Create an
-environment variable$ export API_KEY="<YOUR_KEY>"
Run the project local
$ uix --port 8000
Navigate to your favourite web browser and open http://localhost:8000 to see everything in action.
This diagram outlines the UIX default project structure. Since everything is rendered on the server there is just a back-end folder.
└── example-weather-app/
├── backend/
│ ├── .dx // Config file for deployment
│ ├── Weather.ts // Weather API
│ └── entrypoint.tsx // Back-end entrypoint
├── common/
│ ├── components/
│ │ ├── Search.scss // Search style declaration
│ │ ├── Search.tsx // Search component
│ │ ├── Overview.scss // Overview style declaration
│ │ └── Overview.tsx // Overview component
│ ├── theme.tsx // Theme definition
│ ├── weather-theme.scss // Theme stylesheet
│ └── res/ // Ressources folder
├── app.dx // Endpoint config file
└── deno.json // Deno config file
- Location search
- 3 days Forecast, Air Quality, Sunrise info
In DATEX, environment variables can be accessed using Datex.Runtime.ENV
© unyt 2024 •