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NGDS Name Authorities and Tokens
###Name Authorities
Name Authority Data Provider
aasgd default representation for AASG resources
adeq Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
adggs Alaksa Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys
algs Alabama Geological Survey
args Arkansas Geological Survey
azgs Arizona Geological Survey
cadoggr California Division of Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources
cags California Geological Survey
cangea Canadian Geothermal Association, www.iea-gia.org/canada/
cgi Commission of the International Union of Geological Sciences, www.cgi-iugs.org/ GeoSciML vocabularies
cgs Colorado Geological Survey
cogs Colorado Geological Survey
ctgs Connecticut Geological Survey
degs Deleware Geological Survey
dogami Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (OR-hosted OR services)
egi Energy and Geoscience Institute - The University of Utah BSU subcontractor, www.egi.utah.edu/
fldep Florida Department of Environmental Protection
flgs Florida Geological Survey
gadnr Georgia Department of Natural Resources
gpfaab Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Appalachian Basin Team(Cornell, SMU, and West Virginia University)
hidnr Hawaii Department of Natural Resources
higs Hawaii Geological Survey
iags Iowa Geological Survey
idgs Idaho Geological Survey
idwr Idaho Department of Water Resources
ings Indiana Geological Survey
isgs Illinois Geological Survey
kgs Kentucky-hosted files http://kgs.uky.edu/oilgasimages/
ksgs Kansas Geological Survey
kygs Kentucky Geological Survey
lags Louisiana Geological Survey
lgs Louisiana Geological Survey
mags Massachusetts Geological Survey
mdgs Maryland Geological Survey
megs Maine Geological Survey
mgs Maine Geological Survey
migs Michigan Geological Survey
mngs Minnesota Geological Survey
modnr Missouri Department of Natural Resources
msdeq Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
mtbmg Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
mtgs Montana Geological Survey
nbmg Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
ndgs North Dakota Geological Survey
negs Nebraska Geological Survey
nhgs New Hampshire Geological Survey
njgws New Jersey Geological and Water Survey
nmbgmr New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources
nygs New York Geological Survey
ogs Oregon Geological Survey (AZ-hosted OR services)
ohdnr Ohio Department of Natural Resources
oit Oregon Institue of Technology, Geo-Heat Center BSU subcontractor, www.geoheat.oit.edu/
okgs Oklahoma Geological Survey
pdnr Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
rigs Rhode Island Geological Survey
scgs South Carolina Geological Survey
sdgs South Dakota Geological Survey
stanford Stanford BSU subcontractor
swri Southwest Research Institute, TX www.swri.org/
tbeg Texas Bureau of Economic Geology
tndg Tennessee Division of Geology
usgin United States Geoscience Information Network
usgs United State Geological Survey
utgs Utah Geological Survey
vadmme Virginia Department of Mines Minerals and Energy
vtgs Vermont Geological Survey
wadger Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources
wadnr Washington Department of Natural Resources
wgnhs Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
wvges West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey
wygs Wyoming Geological Survey
Token Service Type
fault ActiveFaults
aqchem AqueousChemistry
bhintercept BoreholeLithIntercepts
bhinterval BoreholeLithIntervals
bhtemp BoreholeTemperatures
contour ContourLines
directuse DirectUseSites
fluidflux FluidFluxInjectionDisposal
reservoir GeologicReservoirs
geothermalarea GeothermalAreas
gravity GravityStations
heatflow HeatFlow
heatpump HeatPumpFacilities
hydraulic HydraulicProperties
physicalsample PhysicalSamples
powerplant PowerPlants / PowerPlantFacilities
plantproduction PowerPlantProduction
radiogenic RadiogenicHeatProduction
rockchemistry RockChemistry
hypocenter SeismicHypocenters
conductivity ThermalConductivity
thermalspring ThermalSprings
volcanicvent VolcanicVents
wellfluid WellFluidProduction
well WellHeaders
welllog WellLogs
welltest WellTests