A tool to automate processing of memory dumps using Volatility.
- Monitor one or more folders for memory images and process automatically using global and override configurations. Memory images are detected using file extension, which is configurable.
- Supports raw and hpak memory image formats. Code can be easily extended to add support for other formats.
- Allows plugin selection and configuration at a global and case ID level. Case ID may contain one or more memory images. Plugins can also be excluded at a global or case ID level.
- Plugin results are written to disk (within case ID folder) and optionally can be sent to Splunk. Code can be easily extended to support other SIEMs.
- If Splunk integration is enabled, events are created using HEC. Operational events are logged separately from Volatility output.
- Splunk events are created using CaseID:Plugin source so it is easy to search, correlate, alert etc.
- If events are larger than a configurable Splunk event size threshold, a place holder event is created with reference to plugin output results on disk.
- If JSON format is supported and enabled for a plugin, Splunk events are created as such. Default is 'text' format.
- Image profile is detected using 'imageinfo' plugin and profile is cached to speed up re-processing.
- Image profile detection can be overridden by dropping a '.profile' file specifying the Volatility profile in the case ID folder.
- Script dictates use of a case ID folder structure. Case ID format is configurable. Images found outside of a case ID folders are ignored.
- Upon successful completion, '.processed' flag is dropped to avoid accidental re-processing.
- Plugins output is automatically archived upon re-processing so as not to lose previous results.
- Plugins can be configured with any custom flags, including support for custom output files and folders.
- New 'mactime' plugin has been added to process 'mftparser', 'timeliner' and 'shellbags' output to create timeline.
- Paths to Volatility and 'mactime' are configurable.
- Execution timeout values can be specified at a plugin-level
- Python 3.6+
- Volatility 2.6.x ('vol.py' on *nix and 'volatility_*.exe' on Windows)
- 'ordered-set'
- 'splunk-hec-handler' if Splunk integration is desired.
- 'watchdog'
Create and activate a new Python virtual environment (optional, but recommended).
> python.exe -m venv volatility_venv
> .\volatility_venv\Scripts\activate
Check out or unzip the code
> git clone https://github.com/vavarachen/volatility_automation.git
Install project dependencies (Python modules) using the 'requirements.txt' file in project root folder.
> pip install -r requirements.txt
Customize the script configurations to meet your needs. ..* 'defaults.py' Windows
# Folders to monitor for memory dumps
MONITORED_FOLDERS = [Path(r'C:\temp\memdumps')]
MONITORED_FOLDERS = [Path(r'/var/tmp/memdumps')]
..* 'vol_config.py' Windows
VOLATILITY_PATH = Path(r'C:\Program Files (x86)\volatility_2.6_win64_standalone\volatility_2.6_win64_standalone.exe')
VOLATILITY_PATH = Path(r'/usr/local/homebrew/bin/vol.py')
Start the directory watchdog from the Python virtual environment (if used). This will start active monitoring of all 'MONITORED_FOLDERS'
> .\volatility_venv\Scripts\activate
> cd volatility-automation.git\splunk_volatility_input\
> python dir_watchdog.py
Drop a case ID folder (naming defined by 'case_dir_filter' in 'defaults.py') containing one or more memory images. This should trigger the auto-processing of the memory image(s).
The case ID folder requirements, while somewhat artificial, should be a norm for most forensics shops. By requiring the memory images be placed in a case ID folder, the script is able to contain logs, plugins output, archiving etc at a case level. Case ID also lends itself to logically group Splunk events. For example, the following Splunk query can be used to get an overview of Volatility execution for a specific case ID.
(index="sec_input_logs" OR index="sec_volatility") source="volatility:SR000003"
| stats values(details.plugin) as "Executed Plugins", dc(details.plugin) as "Executed Plugins Count" by source
| appendcols [search (index="sec_input_logs" OR index="sec_volatility") source="volatility:SR000003:*"
| stats values(source) as sources, dc(source) as count | table sources, count]
| table source, "Executed Plugins Count", "Executed Plugins", sources, count
| rename source as "Plugin Output Sources" , count as "Successful Output Plugins Count"