In this project, we have implemented a typical RISC-32 Processor having a 5-stage pipeline. The project is built on Logisim-evolution. Kindly refer to Download section in the file of the linked github page for help in installing the software.
- Implemented a 5-stage RISC 32-bit pipeline, supporting 32-bit intructions and data.
- Implemented a Register File with 32 registers with each register of size 32 bits.
- Implemented the memory with 64 locations each of size 32 bits, and the address line of size 6 bits. Each memory location contains either an 32-bit instrucion or a 32-bit data. This can be easily extented to allow for much larger sizes of memory.
- Intructions supported: MOV, MVI, LOAD, STORE, ADD, ADI, SUB, SUI, AND, ANI, OR, ORI, HLT
- Support for branched and call instructions might be added in future.
The repository MIPS_32-Bit_Processor_Design contains the following files:
- Encoding Scheme.pdf: This file contains the basic encoding scheme of our instructions and also contains a dry run of an example program with clear steps.
- Implementation_Block Level Diagrams.pdf: This file contains the block level implementation of the circuit, and also explains the implementation in great detail.
- CPU_Design.circ: This file contains the circuit which is built on Logisim-evolution
- logisim-evolution (Version-3.8.0)
- LaTeX (Live Version 2022)# RISC 32-bit Processor Design
- Arnav Kumar Behera (
- Vedanta Mohapatra (