This is the architecture of SlackMap API server.
It's written in TypeScript and runs on NodeJS server.
It based on NestJS framework, uses Swagger for documentation and implements Clean Architecture principles.
With this repository we want to share our NodeJS Clean Architecture implementation with the open source community.
For now, our production code itself is closed.
Are you NodeJS developer, you are looking for better architecture, or you have other ways to build good API.
Want to ask question, give us feedbak or share you implementation with us?
Feel free to write Issue or make PR to this repo.
Are you web developer who is also iterested in slackline community.
You wants to help the project.
Look on the UI repo:
It's open sourced and you can contribute to it, it's based on: Ionic 3 Framework, Angular 5, ngrx.
This code is available on GNU GPLv3 license.