Flymake backend for Credo.
Clone Flymake Credo repository to an arbitrary location:
$ git clone ~/.emacs.d/site-elisp/flymake-credo
Add Flymake Credo directory to load-path in your Emacs initialization file (init.el) and load it.
;; add to load-path
(add-to-list 'load-path "/replace/me/to/flymake-credo/full/path")
;; load flymake-credo feature
(require 'flymake-credo nil t)
Add the following to your config file in order to install using straight:
'(flymake-credo :type git :host github :repo "vinikira/flymake-credo" :branch "main"))
Note: To see all the options from Emacs directly, and to customize it, just type: M-x customize-group RET flymake-credo RET.