Development on this project has moved to a new repository at This repository has been archived and no longer accepts pull requests or issues.
A Python package for interacting with Structure-from-Motion (SfM) projects.
- Python 3.6+
- numpy 1.15+
The package is registered on PyPI. Released versions can be installed using pip:
pip install PySfMUtils
Development versions can be installed directly from the GitHub repository:
python -m pip install -e git+
This package was originally designed to ease the process of importing pose priors into OpenMVG. It contains a format agnostic interface for defining an SfM Scene and its component parts:
import sfm_utils as sfm
# Create the scene
scene = sfm.Scene()
scene.root_dir = '/path/to/images/'
# Construct a view
view = sfm.View()
view.path = "view.jpg"
view.width = 800
view.height = 600
view.camera_make = 'PySfMUtils'
view.camera_model = 'Test Camera'
# Add the view's intrinsics
intrinsic = sfm.IntrinsicRadialK3()
intrinsic.width = view.width
intrinsic.height = view.height
intrinsic.focal_length = 50
intrinsic.sensor_width = 36
intrinsic.dist_params = [-0.1, -1.1, -1.1]
view.intrinsic = scene.add_intrinsic(intrinsic)
# Add the view's pose
pose = sfm.Pose() = [10, 10, 10]
view.pose = scene.add_pose(pose)
# Write an OpenMVG project file
sfm.export_scene(path='sfm_data.json', scene=scene)
The exported sfm_data.json
file can be passed directly to OpenMVG programs:
openMVG_main_ComputeFeatures -i sfm_data.json -o matches/
To export a scene to an AliceVision/Meshroom compatible json file, use sfm_utils.export_scene
import sfm_utils as sfm
scene = sfm.Scene()
sfm.export_scene(path='SfMData.json', scene=scene, fmt=sfm.Format.ALICE_VISION)
The AliceVision json file matches an example file generated by Meshroom, but has not been tested for actually performing reconstructions. Contributions to this functionality are welcome.
This package assumes a right-handed1 coordinate system, in contrast to the
left-handed2 system used by OpenMVG. When exporting to OpenMVG, this package will premultiply
the Pose.rotation
matrix with the following conversion matrix:
-1, 0, 0
0, 1, 0
0, 0, -1
To disable this behavior, set the convert_rotations
parameters for export_scene
to False
sfm_utils.export_scene(path='sfm_data.json', scene=scene, convert_rotations=False)
1: Negative Z-forward, positive Y-up, and positive X-right
2: Positive Z-forward, positive Y-up, and negative X-right
This package is a work-in-progress and currently implements only the most basic features needed to import pre-calibrated camera pose information into OpenMVG. We will gladly accept pull requests for new features. Known limitations in the current implementation are as follows:
- Only Views, Poses, and Intrinsics are supported. Feature points, control points, tracks, etc. are not provided.
- Only the Pinhole, RadialK3, and BrownT2 camera intrinsics are implemented.
- AliceVision support is untested.
- There is no support for loading pre-existing SfM files.