- For controlling authorized users login.
- Maintaining users record.
- Paying elctricity bill from anywhere in a graphically manner.
- User Friendly.
- For Implemention of SQLite in Java GUI.
- This is a Mini-project developed using JavaFX, SQLite, And CSS
- Add new payments.
- View all pending payments.
- Add New Bills.
- Check users feedbacks and complaints.
- Update user's records.
- Create new account.
- Login.
- View bill amount .
- Pay bill amount.
- Submit feedabacks and complaints.
- Reset password, in case user forgot their password.
- JavaFX
- SQLite
Database: A file named as tabel in Electricity-Billing-System folder filled with some dummy database.
Note:- This is a basic project so we have not think much about data security.
"Suggestions and project Improvements are Invited!"
Thanks a lot
Project Leader
Vivek Singh