Purpose of this project is to read information from the Belgian Smart Meter P1 Port and either:
- display it on
- or log it using python
module - or send it to domotic applications through MQTT (using
As per Belgian standards, Electricity Smart Meters are to be installed in a room with access to the street (so Firefighters and Medical Teams can cut the individual power supply of the house before intervention).
This places the Electricity Smart Meter in a usually inconvenient situation as it's unlikely to be colocated with the location of the Home Automation hardware.
Make sure Python 3.10+ is installed on the machine that will be connected to the Smart Meter.
The following packages are required. They can all be installed using pip:
pip install paho-mqtt
pip install pytz
pip install tzlocal
pip install croniter
pip install pyserial
pip install jsonschema
The latest release is available on github by clicking this link.
In the /config
folder of the package, you need at minima to rename:
Documentation on the config.json section is available in docs/configuration.md.
Documentation of the logger_config.json is available on docs.python.org as it simply loads the JSON and pass it as a logging.config
In my case, I have a computer located closeby to the Electricity Smart Meter however the home automation server (powered by OpenHAB) is in another, more central room of the building.
I therefore needed an application that could read from the P1 Port and transmit it to a MQTT server (in this case: MosQuiTTo).
The connection between the P1 Port and the Computer is achieved using a "Slimme Meter Kabel - P1 USB" manufactured by Cedel.
To summarize it as a diagram the setup looks as follow:
flowchart LR
SM(Smart Meter)
NRSRV(Nearby Server with<br/>this python module)
MQTTSRV(MosQuiTTo Server)
HASRV(OpenHAB home automation)
TSDB[(Influx TimeSeries Database)]
SM-->|Slimme meter kabel<br/>P1 naar USB<br/>RS-422|NRSRV
NRSRV-->|Push using<br/>Paho MQTT|MQTTSRV
HASRV-->|Pull using OpenHAB<br/>MQTT Plugin|MQTTSRV
HASRV-->|OpenHAB InfluxDB<br/>Plugin|TSDB
- Meter: Should work with any Smart Meter following Belgian standards (derived from the DSMR 5.0.2 standard). Tested with:
- Siconia S211 (Fluvius, Ores)
- Siconia T211 (Fluvius, Ores)
- Reader Workstation:
- Operating System: Windows Server 2022
- Driver: FTDI driver
- Python: version 3.11.2
- MQTT Server: Mosquitto version 2.0.14
- OpenHAB Server: OpenHAB version 3.4
- None remaining, open an issue if you find a bug or need an enhancement
- Nice to have :: Windows Service Wrapper? Linux Service Wrapper?