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This repository is a collection of verified certifying distributed algorithms. A certifying algorithm computes for an input x an output y and additionally a witness w. If a so called witness predicate holds for a triple (x,y,w), then the input-output pair (x,y) is correct. A simple checker algorithm decides the witness predicate at runtime. The user of a certifying algorithm does not have to trust the algorithm but (1) has to understand why the witness predicate implies correctness, and (2) to trust the checker algorithm. Rizkallah combines certifying algorithms with theorem proving for (1) and program verification for (2). Thus, if the verified checker program accepts for a triple (x,y,w), then there is a machine-checked proof that the input-output pair (x,y) is correct. For further informations check out the Wikipedia-page with its listed references from Mehlhorn, Rizkallah and others.
We adapt Rizkallahs method to certifying distributed algorithms (CDA) and build a collection of verified certifiying distributed algorithms. We use the proof assistant Coq for program verification as well as for theorem proving, and use Coq's program extraction.
Install Coqide in version 8.5pl2 or
later. Start it with the parameter coqide -impredicative-set
. Further
compile and install and
. If you need further help, do not hesitate to contact us!
###Proof Obligations
PO I The implemented termination detection is correct. -- work in progress
PO II Witness predicate Γ has the following properties:
(i) Γ has the witness property.
(ii) Γ is distributable.
See Case Studies as described below:
PO III The Theorem 1 for distributed checking of consistency.
PO IV The implemented distributed checker is correct:
(i) Each sub-checker checks if its sub-witness is complete. -- work in progress
(ii) Each sub-checker takes part in checking if the witness is connected. -- work in progress
(iii) Each sub-checker checks the consistency sub-witnesses in the neighborhood. See
(iv) Each sub-checker decides the sub-predicates for its component.
See Case Studies as described below:
(v) Each sub-checker takes part in evaluation of Γ. -- work in progress
Moreover, as a foundation, we have a model of the network (topology and communication) and the interface of a CDA.
This case study is published at NFM17.
composition_witness_prop_leader_election.v: the formalisation and machine checked proofs for the witness property and the composition property
checker_leader_election.v: verified local checkers with possibility of program extraction
The certifying variant of distributed bipartite testing will be published at RV17 but not the coq formalisation.
Bipartition_related.v: The formalisation and machine checked proofs for the witness property and the composition property.
Spanning_Tree_related.v: Reusing and adapting composition_witness_prop_leader_election.v of Certifying Leader Election some more lemmata are shown.
All other files consist of minor lemmata, that are needed in the proofs for the theorem in Bipartition_related.v, or that came up, while trying to solve it.
The certifying variant of distributed shortest path construction is published at SEFM15 but not the coq formalisation.