will install and configure the software I use. The core setup for terminal/ssh is the same for macOS and Linux.
- System packages
- macOS
- System Preferences and app settings: defaults.sh
- Apps in Dock: dock.sh
- dotfile manager - not needed, just use
ln -sf
- see below for links - zsh - shell
- prezto - configuration framework with sane defaults, aliases, functions... - zshrc
- powerlevel10k - prompt - .p10k.zsh
- fzf - fuzzy finder: ** for completion, ctrl-t for files, alt-c for cd, ctrl-r for history
- Neovim - editor - .vimrc
- .tmux.conf - mostly for ssh, iTerm on macOS
Click to show extracted vim plugins
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-sensible - Defaults everyone can agree on
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive - provides :G (:Git), :GMove, :GBrowse etc.
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-rhubarb - GitHub extension for fugitive.vim: :GBrowse, omni-complete issues etc. in commit messages
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-endwise - end certain structures (if, do, etc.) automatically
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround - add/change/delete surrounding parentheses, brackets, quotes, XML tags
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-repeat - make . also repeat plugin maps instead of just native commands
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-eunuch - UNIX shell commands :Delete, :Move, :SudoWrite etc.
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-unimpaired - Pairs of handy bracket mappings
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-rsi - Readline key bindings in insert mode
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-obsession - cont. updated session files; :Obsess starts recording, load with -S or :source
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-vinegar - file browser enhancements (- opens netrw), - goes up one directory but keeps file focused (enter to go back)
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-speeddating - increment (C-A) / decrement (C-X) for date/time formats
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-jdaddy - JSON text objects (aj, ij) and pretty printing (gqaj)
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-dispatch - Asynchronous build and test dispatcher :Make
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-dadbod - interface for many databases :DB postgresql:///foobar, :DB sqlite:myfile.sqlite3 select count(*) from widgets
- https://github.com/tomtom/tcomment_vim
- https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree
- https://github.com/Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin
- https://github.com/majutsushi/tagbar - sidebar with outline viewer / ctags of current file
- https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim - Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder
- https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim - ag search results in quickfix window
- https://github.com/ojroques/vim-oscyank - SSH: also copy to client clipboard
- https://github.com/google/vim-searchindex - display number of search matches & index of a current match
- https://github.com/flazz/vim-colorschemes - colorscheme pack including solarized
- https://github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized - :colorscheme solarized (overwrites the above?)
- https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify - start screen (if opened without arg) instead of empty buffer with MRU, bookmarks, sessions
- https://github.com/simnalamburt/vim-mundo - undo tree visualizer, fork of Gundo, :MundoToggle TODO init error: A supported python version was not found.
- https://github.com/junegunn/vim-peekaboo - shows contents of registers on the right in sidebar on " and @ in normal mode and C-r in insert mode
- https://github.com/junegunn/goyo.vim' - distraction-free writing
- https://github.com/junegunn/limelight.vim' - only do syntax highlighting for current paragraph
- https://github.com/junegunn/rainbow_parentheses.vim' - same color for same bracket pairs
- https://github.com/junegunn/gv.vim' - :GV opens git commit browser, :GV! only commits for current file, :GV? fills location list the revisions of current file, can be used in visual mode to work on just lines
- https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline - status line with multiple sections and support for many plugins
- https://github.com/vim-airline/vim-airline-themes - :AirlineTheme solarized
- https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter - git diff markers in sign column; jump to next hunk with ]c, stage hunk with ,hs, undo with ,hu
- https://github.com/chaoren/vim-wordmotion - more useful word motions incl. camel case, upper/lowercase, hex, numbers etc.
- https://github.com/unblevable/quick-scope - highlight unique character to find in each word
- https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-easymotion - highlights targets to jump to, e.g. ,,w forward word, ,,j down line
- https://github.com/matze/vim-move - A-k/A-j move line/selection up/down; A-h/A-l move char/selection left/right
- https://github.com/wellle/targets.vim - text objects for pair, quote, separator, argument, tag
- https://github.com/michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object - text object for LOC at the same indent level: ii (inner indentation level), ai (incl. line above), iI, aI; e.g. vii
- https://github.com/vim-scripts/DeleteTrailingWhitespace - :DeleteTrailingWhitespace
- https://github.com/machakann/vim-swap - swap delimited items; g< left, g> right, gs interactive (h, l, j, k, 1-9, g/G group/ungroup, s sort, r reverse)
- https://github.com/mg979/vim-visual-multi - multiple cursors; add word with C-n, n/N next/prev, [/] select cursor, q skip, Q remove, tab to switch cursor (normal) and extend (visual) mode
- https://github.com/wakatime/vim-wakatime - automatic time tracking and metrics, wakatime.com
- https://github.com/junegunn/vim-easy-align - ga EasyAlign, vipga= (visual inner paragraph align around =), gaii2& (align around 2nd & on inner indentation level)
- https://github.com/chrisbra/csv.vim - CSV editor, :CSVSort, :MoveColumn
- https://github.com/gabrielelana/vim-markdown - syntax highlighting for GitHub Markdown flavor
- https://github.com/SidOfc/mkdx - functions for lists, checkboxes, code, shortcuts, headers, links
- https://github.com/iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim' - :MarkdownPreview opens in browser with synchronized scrolling - at some point did not open anything anymore, using
yarn install
instead of the above fixed it - iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim#188 - https://github.com/lervag/vimtex - tex
- https://github.com/kchmck/vim-coffee-script - coffee
- https://github.com/leafgarland/typescript-vim - syntax files
- https://github.com/Quramy/tsuquyomi - client for TSServer: Completion, Navigate, etc.
- https://github.com/idris-hackers/idris-vim - idris
- https://github.com/FStarLang/VimFStar - fstar
- https://github.com/lambdatoast/elm.vim - elm
- macOS: MBA M1, MBP Intel
- Debian: Asus C434 Chromebook, RPi4, RPi3
- Ubuntu: some servers
- Windows 10: desktop PC, setup not automated
See zsh-bench for details and its table with results for different configs.
$ git clone https://github.com/romkatv/zsh-bench ~/zsh-bench
$ ~/zsh-bench/zsh-bench
==> benchmarking login shell of user voglerr ...
Profile nvim/vim with v --startuptime v.log; tail v.log
(currently ~190ms).