- Description - - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with Autofs
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
- Support - When you need help with this module
The Autofs module is a Puppet module for managing the configuration of automount network file system. This is a global module designed to be used by any organization. This module assumes the use of Hiera to set variables and serve up configuration files.
- Autofs package
- Autofs service
- Autofs Configuration File (/etc/auto.master)
- Autofs Map Files (i.e. /etc/auto.home)
The module includes a single class:
include autofs
By default this installs and starts the autofs service with the module's default master file.
You can also manage the state of the autofs package or service.
By default the module will install the autofs package and start/enable the autofs service. You can configure this by using the parameters defined in the main init class.
For example, to ensure the package is absent:
class { 'autofs':
package_ensure => 'absent',
To ensure that a service is disabled and not running:
class { 'autofs':
service_ensure => 'stopped',
service_enable => false,
To setup the Autofs Map Files, there is a defined type that can be used:
autofs::mount { 'home':
mount => '/home',
mapfile => '/etc/auto.home',
mapcontents => ['* -user,rw,soft,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,nfsvers=3,noacl server.example.com:/path/to/home/shares'],
options => '--timeout=120',
order => 01
This will generate content in both the auto.master file and a new auto.home map file:
/home /etc/auto.home --timeout=120
* -user,rw,soft,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,nfsvers=3,noacl server.example.com:/path/to/home/shares
The defined type requires all parameters, except direct and execute, to build the autofs config. The direct and execute parameters allow for the creation of indirect mounts, see the Parameters section for more information on the defaults for direct and execute.
In hiera, there's a autofs::mounts
class you can configure, for example:
mount: '/home'
mapfile: '/etc/auto.home'
- '* -user,rw,soft,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,nfsvers=3,noacl server.example.com:/path/to/home/shares'
options: '--timeout=120'
order: 01
If you need to merge the autofs::mounts
key from multiple files or hiera lookups, be sure to add the lookup_options
key and set the merge behavior for autofs::mounts
to merge: hash
merge: hash
mount: '/home'
mapfile: '/etc/auto.home'
- '* -user,rw,soft,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,nfsvers=3,noacl server.example.com:/path/to/home/shares'
options: '--timeout=120'
order: 01
For more information about merge behavior see the doc for:
- Lookup docs
- Hiera 5 docs if using Puppet >= 4.9
The autofs module also supports the use of the built in autofs /-
argument used with Direct Maps.
autofs::mount { 'foo':
mount => '/-',
mapfile => '/etc/auto.foo',
mapcontents => ['/foo -o options /bar'],
options => '--timeout=120',
order => 01
mount: '/-'
mapfile: '/etc/auto.foo'
- '/foo -o options /bar'
options: '--timeout=120'
order: 01
The autofs module now supports the use of the +dir:
option in the auto.master.
This option is 100% functional, but does require some work to simplify it.
autofs::mount { 'home':
mount => '/home',
mapfile => '/etc/auto.home',
mapcontents => ['* -user,rw,soft,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,nfsvers=3,noacl server.example.com:/path/to/home/shares'],
options => '--timeout=120',
order => 01,
use_dir => true
mount: '/home'
mapfile: '/etc/auto.home'
- '* -user,rw,soft,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,nfsvers=3,noacl server.example.com:/path/to/home/shares'
options: '--timeout=120'
order: 01
use_dir: true
In addition to adding map entries via the mapcontents
parameter to autofs::mount the
autofs::map` type can also be used.
map => '/etc/auto.data',
mapcontents => 'data -user,rw,soft server.example.com:/path/to/data,
map: '/etc/auto.data'
mapcontent: 'data -user,rw server.example.com:/path/to/data'
It is assumed that the map file itself has already been defined with
and autofs::mount
mapfile => '/etc/auto.data',
mount => '/big',
To remove entries from a mapfile
simply remove the element from the mapcontents
array in your manifest
or hiera
autofs::map {'data':
map => '/etc/auto.data',
mapcontents => [ 'dataA -o rw /mnt/dataA', 'dataB -o rw /mnt/dataB' ]
map: '/etc/auto.data'
- 'dataA -o rw /mnt/dataA'
- 'dataB -o rw /mnt/dataB'
To remove the dataA
entry from the /etc/auto.data
, simply remove that array element:
autofs::map {'data':
map => '/etc/auto.data',
mapcontents => [ 'dataB -o rw /mnt/dataB' ]
map: '/etc/auto.data'
- 'dataB -o rw /mnt/dataB'
NOTE: Do NOT set ensure => 'absent'
as that removes the entire mapfile
- autofs: Main class. Contains or calls all other classes or defines.
- autofs::package: Handles autofs packages.
- autofs::service: Handles the service.
Data type: Hash
A hash of options that will build the configuration. This hash is passed to the Defined type.
Each hash key is the equivalent to a parameter in the autofs::mount
defined type.
Default: undef
Data type: String
Determines the state of the package. Can be set to: installed, absent, lastest, or a specific version string.
Default: 'installed'
Data type: Enum['running', 'stopped']
Determines state of the service.
Default: 'running'
Data type: Boolean
Determines if the service should start with the system boot.
Default: true
- autofs::mount: Builds the autofs configuration.
- autofs::map: Builds map entires for autofs configuration.
Data type: String
This is a logical, descriptive name for what what autofs will be
mounting. This is represented by the home:
and tmp:
entries above.
Data type: String
Ensure the state of the mount content. If set to absent
it will remove any concat::fragments
with the name
matching 'autofs::fragment preamble <mount> <mapfile>"
, as well as any autofs::maps
created by that autofs::mount
resource. Defaults to present
Data type: Stblib::Absolutepath
This Mapping describes where autofs will be mounting to. This map
entry is referenced by concat as part of the generation of the /etc/auto.master
file. Defaults to the title
of the autofs::mount
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath or Autofs::MapEntry
This Mapping describes the name and path of the autofs map file.
This mapping is used in the auto.master generation, as well as generating the map
file from the auto.map.erb template. This parameter is no longer required.
When anything other than a simple file path is used mapfile_manage
must be false.
Data type: Boolean
If true the the mapfile file will be created and maintained. Defaults to true. Set this to false when the map file is maintained some other way, e.g auto.smb from the autofs package.
Data type: Array
This Mapping describes the folders that will be mounted, the mount options, and the path to the remote or local share to be mounted. Used in mapfile generation.
Default: []
Data type: String
This Mapping describes the auto.master options to use (if any) when mounting the automounts.
Default: ''
Data type: Integer
This Mapping describes where in the auto.master file the entry will be placed. Order CANNOT be duplicated.
Default: undef
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
This Parameter sets the path to the auto.master file.
Default: '/etc/auto.master'
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
This Parameter sets the path to the Autofs configuration directory for map files. Applies only to autofs 5.0.5 or later.
Default: '/etc/auto.master.d'
Data type: Boolean
This Parameter tells the module if it is going to use $map_dir.
Default: false
Data type: Boolean
Enable or disable indirect maps.
Default: true
Data type: Boolean
Set mapfile to be executable.
Default: false
Data type: Boolean
Whether or not to replace the mapfile if it already exists.
Default: true
Data type: String
Ensures the state of the mapfile
. Setting to absent
to remove an entry in the mapfile
, remove the mapcontents
string or array element you want to remove.
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
mapfile file to add entry to. e.g '/etc/auto.data'.
Data type: String
This Mapping describes a folder that will be mounted, the mount options, and the path to the remote or local share to be mounted. Used in mapfile generation. e.g. 'data -rw nfs.example.org:/data/big
Directly calling the autofs::package
and autofs::service
classes is disabled in 3.0.0.
These are now private classes.
Compatible with Puppet 4 only. Puppet 4.6.0 will provide best results.
- Supported
- Ubuntu
- 14.04
- 16.04
- CentOS/RHEL/Scientific/Oracle Linux
- 6.x
- 7.x
- 11 Service Pack 4
- 12 Service Pack 1
- OpenSUSE 13.1
- Debian
- 7 "Wheezy"
- 8 "Jessie"
- Ubuntu
- Self Support - should work, support not provided by developer
- Solaris 10, 11
- Fedora 24, 25
- SLES 10
- CentOS/RHEL/Scientific/Oracle Linux 5.x
- Unsupported
- Windows (Autofs not available)
- Mac OS X (Autofs Not Available)
Please see the CONTRIBUTING.md file for instructions regarding development environments and testing.
- Vox Pupuli: voxpupuli@groups.io
- David Hollinger: david.hollinger@moduletux.com