ecosystem-ci-from-pr #480
22 errors
execute-all (language-tools)
Expression expected.",
execute-all (language-tools)
Expression expected.",
execute-all (language-tools)
';' expected.",
execute-all (language-tools)
';' expected.",
execute-all (language-tools)
Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.",
execute-all (language-tools)
Property 'notExist' does not exist on type 'CreateComponentPublicInstanceWithMixins<ToResolvedProps<{}, {}>, { exist: typeof exist; }, {}, {}, {}, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, ... 18 more ..., {}>'.",
execute-all (language-tools)
Property 'notExist' does not exist on type 'ComponentPublicInstance<Readonly<{} & {} & {}>, { exist: typeof exist; }, {}, {}, {}, {}, PublicProps, {}, true, {}, {}, {}, string, {}, any, (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void, true>'.",
execute-all (language-tools)
Property 'notExist' does not exist on type 'CreateComponentPublicInstanceWithMixins<ToResolvedProps<{}, {}>, { exist: typeof exist; }, {}, {}, {}, ComponentOptionsMixin, ComponentOptionsMixin, ... 18 more ..., {}>'.",
execute-all (language-tools)
Property 'notExist' does not exist on type 'ComponentPublicInstance<Readonly<{} & {} & {}>, { exist: typeof exist; }, {}, {}, {}, {}, PublicProps, {}, true, {}, {}, {}, string, {}, any, (event: string, ...args: any[]) => void, true>'.",
execute-all (language-tools)
Argument of type 'DefineComponent<[{}, any], { a: number; b: Ref<number, number>; }, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, [string[], unknown], string, never, never, never, {}, {}, {}, string, {}, true, {}, any>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.",
execute-all (vue-macros)
Argument of type 'TSAnyKeyword | TSArrayType | TSBigIntKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSConditionalType | ... 29 more ... | TSVoidKeyword' is not assignable to parameter of type 'TSType'.
execute-all (vue-macros)
Type 'ASTDefinition<Node>' is not assignable to type 'ASTDefinition<TSAnyKeyword | TSArrayType | TSBigIntKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSConditionalType | ... 34 more ... | TSVoidKeyword>'.
execute-all (vue-macros)
Type '{ type: "TSUnionType"; types: (TSAnyKeyword | TSArrayType | TSBigIntKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSConditionalType | ... 29 more ... | TSVoidKeyword)[]; }' is not assignable to type 'Node'.
execute-all (vue-macros)
Type 'TSAnyKeyword | TSArrayType | TSBigIntKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSConditionalType | ... 28 more ... | TSVoidKeyword' is not assignable to type 'TSType'.
execute-all (vue-macros)
Type 'TSAnyKeyword | TSArrayType | TSBigIntKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSConditionalType | ... 29 more ... | TSVoidKeyword' is not assignable to type 'TSType'.
execute-all (vue-macros)
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'loader' does not exist in type 'LoadConfigSource<Options>'.
execute-all (vue-macros)
Process completed with exit code 1.
execute-all (vuetify)
Process completed with exit code 1.
Unhandled error:
TypeCheckError: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type '{} | Record<string, ComponentOptions<{}, any, any, any, any, {}, {}, any, string, {}, {}, string, {}, {}, {}, string, ComponentProvideOptions>>'.
No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type '{} | Record<string, ComponentOptions<{}, any, any, any, any, {}, {}, any, string, {}, {}, string, {}, {}, {}, string, ComponentProvideOptions>>'.
❯ packages/vue-i18n-core/test/helper.ts:168:28
execute-all (vue-i18n)
Process completed with exit code 1.
test/hmr.test.ts > hmr > should HMR routes:
TimeoutError: page.waitForFunction: Timeout 30000ms exceeded.
❯ gotoPath test/utils.ts:76:14
❯ renderPage test/utils.ts:41:5
❯ test/hmr.test.ts:150:49
execute-all (nuxt)
Process completed with exit code 1.