An irc plugin for vy.
After some years using vy i just noticed that it was lacking an irc client plugin like emacs/vim. The strongest rationale behind consists of showing the power and flexibility of vy and untwisted.
I think i have been succesful in that since vyirc is a quite functional irc client(which even has a plugin) and it is about 300 lines of code.
The below screenshot shows vyirc in action, you can code and still talk on irc :P
Install requirements with.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then install vyirc:
pip install vyirc
Once these packages are installed just place the code in your ~/.vy/vyirc file, you can place it in your extra command plugins section:
# The vy irc mode.
from vyirc import IrcMode
# Uncomment these lines to set up your custom color scheme.
# It accepts all available config options for Tkinter Text widget.
# IrcMode.TAGCONF = {'(VYIRC-PRIVMSG)': {'foreground': '#688B96'},
# '(VYIRC-JOIN)': {'foreground': '#F06EF0'},
# '(VYIRC-PART)': {'foreground': '#F0BDAD'},
# '(VYIRC-QUIT)': {'foreground': '#4EDB1F'},
# '(VYIRC-NICK)': {'foreground': '#E9F0AD'},
# '(VYIRC-KICK)': {'foreground': '#FC8D9A'},
# '(VYIRC-353)': {'foreground': '#BF9163'},
# '(VYIRC-332)': {'foreground': '#81BFFC'},
# '(VYIRC-CLOSE)': {'foreground': '#A7F2E9'}}
# Here, the network connections can be defined.
def irc_freenode(addr='', port=6667, user='vy vy vy :vyirc', nick='vyirc',
irccmd='PRIVMSG nickserv :identify nick_password', channels=['#vy']):
IrcMode(addr, port, user, nick, irccmd, channels)
Note: The vyirc plugin allows you to develop plugins for it. You can even implement irc bots on top of it. As an example of vyirc plugin see: But it would be necessary to know the workings of untwisted in order to come up with something functional.
The vyirc plugin allows you to connect to as many irc networks as you wish however you need to first define these irc networks in your vyirc file.
The code snippet below shows an example of handle that is meant to be executed from vy in order to instantiate an irc connection to The attributes of the function should be known to those who are used to irc networks.
# Here, the network connections can be defined.
def irc_freenode(addr='', port=6667, user='vy vy vy :vyirc', nick='vyirc',
irccmd='PRIVMSG nickserv :identify nick_password', channels=['#vy']):
IrcMode(addr, port, user, nick, irccmd, channels)
In vyirc, everything is handled in tabs. Whenever you join a new channel it opens a new tab if you connect to a new network it will open a new tab for the irc network connection as well.
In order to connect to an irc network, switch to NORMAL mode then press:
Then execute the function that maps to your desired irc network. Supposing you want to connect to which was shown in the install section:
After pressing enter it would execute the function and open a new tab where you can see freenode's server connection. If there is someone using your nick, it will be needed to send the command below to the IRC server:
NICK new_nick
For such, switch to the IRC connection tab then press:
In IRC mode.
After having executed the irc network handle it should instantiate the class IrcMode. The IrcMode class is responsible by implementing the functionalities of the plugin.
Whenever you join a new channel or instantiate a new connection it opens a new tab and its mode is IRC. You'll eventually switch to other modes, in order to put the AreaVi instance back to IRC mode just switch to EXTRA mode then press:
Vy implements a keycommand to send raw irc commands to the irc server. It shows an inputbox where to type irc commands. Switch to an irc connection tab or an irc channel tab then press:
In IRC mode.
In order to identify nick once having opened an irc connection, just switch to IRC mode by pressing:
Then type:
PRIVMSG nickserv :IDENTIFY nick_password
Some irc networks uses the command below:
NickServ identify nick_password
In IRC mode then type:
JOIN #channel
Just switch to IRC mode, press:
Then type:
PART #channel
In IRC mode, press:
Then type:
NICK new_nick
Switch to one of the IRC network tabs then press:
in IRC mode to type the nick of the user. It will create a new tab whose title is the user's nick.
In IRC mode, press:
It will show up an input box field where to insert messages to send to users or channels. Insert the message then press:
In order to give back focus to the AreaVi instance just press: