Is a crawler which lists all email addresses used in commits of a specific GitHub user using the GitHub API.
It iterates through all public respositories owned by the user and all commits in each of these repositories.
Install the package with pip
pip install exposed-github-user-emails-scanner
Type showExposedGitHubEmails --help
to view the help.
usage: showExposedGitHubEmails [OPTION]... -u USERNAME
A crawler which lists all email addresses used in commits of a specific GitHub user using the GitHub API.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USER, --user USER username of the user whose public repositories should be scanned
name of specific repository which should be scanned (default is all repositories)
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
provide a GitHub token to increase the API quota which can be used by this script
-v, --verbose verbose mode
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
the delay between to requests in seconds (default is 1 second)
--api-url API_URL specify the URL to the GitHub Api (default is "")
--no-forks ignore forked repositories
$ showExposedGitHubEmails -u AFictionalUsername
[+] Scan for public repositories of user AFictionalUsername
[+] Found 4 public repositories
[+] Scan repository my_first_project
[+] Scan repository project_2
[+] Exposed emails and names: - John Doe - JD; John Doe - John Doe (Software Eng.)