is a high-performance bioinformatics toolkit for sequence analysis and comparison. It
- 🚀 Fast sequence comparison
- 🧠 Smart matching algorithms for sequence clustering
- 🧬 Support for both DNA and protein sequences
- 📊 Comprehensive analysis tools for genomic data
- ⚡️ Parallel processing for large datasets
Current release: 0.3.1
cargo install --path . --force #--offline
# local repo
# cargo clean
# rm Cargo.lock
# test
cargo test -- --test-threads=1
# bench
cargo bench --bench simd
# local docs
# Linux
RUSTDOCFLAGS="--html-in-header katex-header.html" cargo doc --no-deps --document-private-items --open
# Windows Powershell
$env:RUSTDOCFLAGS="--html-in-header ./katex-header.html"
cargo doc --no-deps --document-private-items --open
# build under WSL 2
mkdir -p /tmp/cargo
export CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/tmp/cargo
cargo build
Homogeneous Nucleic acids/amino acids Smart Matching
Usage: hnsm [COMMAND]
chain Chains of syntenic genes
cluster Clustering based on pairwise distances
convert Conversion between pairwise distances and a distance matrix
count Count base statistics in FA file(s)
das Domain architecture similarity
dedup Deduplicate records in FA file(s)
distance Estimate distances between DNA/protein sequences using minimizers
filter Filter records in FA file(s)
gz Compressing a file using the blocked gzip format (BGZF)
hv Estimate distances between DNA/protein files using hypervectors
interleave Interleave two PE files
mask Soft/hard-masking regions in FA file(s)
masked Identify masked regions in FA file(s
n50 Count total bases in FA file(s)
one Extract one FA record by name
order Extract some FA records in the order specified by a list
prefilter Prefilter genome/metagenome assembly by amino acid minimizers
range Extract sequences defined by the range(s)
rc Reverse complement a FA file
replace Replace headers of a FA file based on a TSV mapping
manifold Manifold learning based on pairwise distances
similarity Calculate similarity between vectors
sixframe Six-Frame Translation
size Count total bases in FA file(s)
some Extract some FA records based on a list of names
split Split FA file(s) into several files
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Subcommand groups:
* Fasta files
* info: size / count / masked / n50
* records: one / some / order / split
* transform: replace / rc / filter / dedup / mask / sixframe
* indexing: gz / range / prefilter
* `hnsm gz` writes out the BGZF format
* Fastq files
* interleave
* Clustering
* DNA/protein: distance / hv
* vectors: similarity
* convert
* cluster
* manifold
* Synteny
* das
* chain
hnsm size tests/fasta/ufasta.fa
hnsm count tests/fasta/ufasta.fa.gz
hnsm masked tests/fasta/ufasta.fa
hnsm n50 tests/fasta/ufasta.fa -N 90 -N 50 -S -t
hnsm one tests/fasta/ufasta.fa read12
hnsm some tests/fasta/ufasta.fa tests/fasta/list.txt
hnsm order tests/fasta/ufasta.fa tests/fasta/list.txt
hnsm filter -a 10 -z 50 -U tests/fasta/ufasta.fa
hnsm filter -a 1 -u tests/fasta/ufasta.fa tests/fasta/ufasta.fa.gz
hnsm filter --iupac --upper tests/fasta/filter.fa
hnsm dedup tests/fasta/dedup.fa
hnsm dedup tests/fasta/dedup.fa -s -b -f stdout
hnsm mask --hard tests/fasta/ufasta.fa tests/fasta/mask.json
hnsm replace tests/fasta/ufasta.fa tests/fasta/replace.tsv
hnsm rc tests/fasta/ufasta.fa
hnsm filter -a 400 tests/fasta/ufasta.fa |
hnsm split name stdin -o tmp
hnsm split about -c 2000 tests/fasta/ufasta.fa -o tmp
hnsm sixframe tests/fasta/trans.fa
hnsm sixframe tests/fasta/trans.fa --len 3 --start --end
samtools faidx
is designed for fast randomized extraction of sequences from reference sequences,
and requires that the sequence file be "well-formatted", i.e., all sequence lines must be the same
length, which is to facilitate random access to disk files. For a mammal reference genome, this
requirement is reasonable; loading a 100M chromosome into memory would take up more resources and
reduce speed.
However, for bacterial genome or metagenome sequences, loading a complete sequence has no impact,
and hnsm range
will use the LRU cache to store the recently used sequences to reduce disk accesses
and thus speed up the process. In addition, plain text files use the same indexing format as BGZF.
# gz
bgzip -c tests/index/final.contigs.fa > tests/index/final.contigs.fa.gz;
bgzip -r tests/index/final.contigs.fa.gz
hnsm gz tests/index/final.contigs.fa -o tmp
# range
samtools faidx tests/index/final.contigs.fa
samtools faidx tests/index/final.contigs.fa \
"k81_130" "k81_130:11-20" "k81_170:304-323" "k81_170:1-20" "k81_158:70001-70020"
samtools faidx tests/index/final.contigs.fa -r tests/index/sample.rg
hnsm range tests/index/final.contigs.fa.gz \
"k81_130" "k81_130:11-20" "k81_170:304-323" "k81_170(-):1-20" "k81_158:70001-70020"
hnsm range tests/index/final.contigs.fa.gz -r tests/index/sample.rg
hnsm interleave tests/fasta/ufasta.fa.gz tests/fasta/ufasta.fa
hnsm interleave tests/fasta/ufasta.fa
hnsm interleave --fq tests/fasta/ufasta.fa
hnsm interleave --fq tests/fastq/R1.fq.gz tests/fastq/R2.fq.gz
hnsm interleave --fq tests/fastq/R1.fq.gz
hnsm similarity tests/clust/domain.tsv --mode euclid --bin
hnsm similarity tests/clust/domain.tsv --mode cosine --bin
hnsm similarity tests/clust/domain.tsv --mode jaccard --bin
hyperfine --warmup 1 \
-n p1 \
'hnsm similarity data/Domian_content_1000.tsv --mode jaccard --bin -p 1 > /dev/null' \
-n p2 \
'hnsm similarity data/Domian_content_1000.tsv --mode jaccard --bin -p 2 > /dev/null' \
-n p3 \
'hnsm similarity data/Domian_content_1000.tsv --mode jaccard --bin -p 3 > /dev/null' \
-n p4 \
'hnsm similarity data/Domian_content_1000.tsv --mode jaccard --bin -p 4 > /dev/null' \
-n p6 \
'hnsm similarity data/Domian_content_1000.tsv --mode jaccard --bin -p 6 > /dev/null' \
-n p8 \
'hnsm similarity data/Domian_content_1000.tsv --mode jaccard --bin -p 8 > /dev/null' \
- AMD Ryzen 7 8745HS
Command | Mean [s] | Min [s] | Max [s] | Relative |
p1 |
12.340 ± 0.270 | 11.762 | 12.697 | 3.79 ± 0.15 |
p2 |
6.952 ± 0.219 | 6.553 | 7.268 | 2.14 ± 0.10 |
p3 |
5.383 ± 0.344 | 5.171 | 6.287 | 1.66 ± 0.12 |
p4 |
4.375 ± 0.162 | 4.046 | 4.585 | 1.35 ± 0.07 |
p6 |
3.602 ± 0.069 | 3.445 | 3.712 | 1.11 ± 0.04 |
p8 |
3.252 ± 0.106 | 2.984 | 3.390 | 1.00 |
$ hnsm distance tests/clust/IBPA.fa -k 7 -w 1 |
hnsm convert stdin --mode matrix
IBPA_ECOLI 0 0.0669 0.2014 0.2106 0.4405 0 0.0011 0.7124 0.5454 0.3675
IBPA_ECOLI_GA 0.0669 0 0.114 0.1464 0.2917 0.0669 0.068 1 0.7023 0.5974
IBPA_ECOLI_GA_LV 0.2014 0.114 0 0.0344 0.132 0.2014 0.2024 1 0.7023 1
IBPA_ECOLI_GA_LV_ST 0.2106 0.1464 0.0344 0 0.0895 0.2106 0.2117 1 0.7023 1
IBPA_ECOLI_GA_LV_RK 0.4405 0.2917 0.132 0.0895 0 0.4405 0.4416 1 0.7023 1
IBPA_ESCF3 0 0.0669 0.2014 0.2106 0.4405 0 0.0011 0.7124 0.5454 0.3675
A0A192CFC5_ECO25 0.0011 0.068 0.2024 0.2117 0.4416 0.0011 0 0.7134 0.5464 0.3686
Q2QJL7_ACEAC 0.7124 1 1 1 1 0.7124 0.7134 0 1 0.6134
A0A010SUI8_PSEFL 0.5454 0.7023 0.7023 0.7023 0.7023 0.5454 0.5464 1 0 0.7023
K1J4J6_9GAMM 0.3675 0.5974 1 1 1 0.3675 0.3686 0.6134 0.7023 0
$ clustalo -i tests/clust/IBPA.fa --auto --full --distmat-out=tests/clust/IBPA.mat
IBPA_ECOLI 0.000000 0.058394 0.160584 0.197080 0.277372 0.000000 0.000000 0.583942 0.540146 0.372263
IBPA_ECOLI_GA 0.058394 0.000000 0.102190 0.138686 0.218978 0.058394 0.058394 0.627737 0.576642 0.416058
IBPA_ECOLI_GA_LV 0.160584 0.102190 0.000000 0.036496 0.116788 0.160584 0.160584 0.671533 0.635036 0.496350
IBPA_ECOLI_GA_LV_ST 0.197080 0.138686 0.036496 0.000000 0.080292 0.197080 0.197080 0.656934 0.642336 0.518248
IBPA_ECOLI_GA_LV_RK 0.277372 0.218978 0.116788 0.080292 0.000000 0.277372 0.277372 0.700730 0.671533 0.569343
IBPA_ESCF3 0.000000 0.058394 0.160584 0.197080 0.277372 0.000000 0.000000 0.583942 0.540146 0.372263
A0A192CFC5_ECO25 0.000000 0.058394 0.160584 0.197080 0.277372 0.000000 0.000000 0.589928 0.546763 0.372263
Q2QJL7_ACEAC 0.583942 0.627737 0.671533 0.656934 0.700730 0.583942 0.589928 0.000000 0.628378 0.518248
A0A010SUI8_PSEFL 0.540146 0.576642 0.635036 0.642336 0.671533 0.540146 0.546763 0.628378 0.000000 0.496350
K1J4J6_9GAMM 0.372263 0.416058 0.496350 0.518248 0.569343 0.372263 0.372263 0.518248 0.496350 0.000000
hnsm convert tests/clust/IBPA.fa.tsv --mode matrix
hnsm convert tests/clust/IBPA.fa.tsv --mode lower
hnsm convert tests/clust/IBPA.mat --mode pair
hnsm cluster tests/clust/IBPA.fa.tsv --mode dbscan --eps 0.05 --min_points 2
cat tests/clust/IBPA.fa.tsv |
tsv-filter --le 3:0.05 |
hnsm cluster stdin --mode cc
cargo run --bin hnsm manifold tests/clust/IBPA.fa.tsv --mode pcoa --dim 2
- genomes
curl -L |
gzip -dc |
hnsm filter stdin -s |
hnsm gz stdin -o tests/genome/mg1655.fa
curl -L |
gzip -dc |
hnsm filter stdin -s |
hnsm gz stdin -o tests/genome/sakai.fa
- mash
hnsm distance tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz --hasher mod -k 21 -w 1
#NC_002695 NC_000913 0.0221 0.4580 0.5881
#NC_002127 NC_000913 0.6640 0.0000 0.0006
#NC_002128 NC_000913 0.4031 0.0001 0.0053
hnsm rc tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz |
hnsm distance tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz stdin --hasher mod -k 21 -w 1
#NC_002695 RC_NC_000913 0.0221 0.4580 0.5881
#NC_002127 RC_NC_000913 0.6640 0.0000 0.0006
#NC_002128 RC_NC_000913 0.4031 0.0001 0.0053
hnsm rc tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz |
hnsm distance tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz stdin --hasher mod -k 21 -w 1
#NC_000913 RC_NC_000913 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000
hnsm rc tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz |
hnsm distance tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz stdin --hasher rapid -k 21 -w 1
#NC_000913 RC_NC_000913 0.2289 0.0041 0.0082
hnsm distance tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz --merge --hasher mod -k 21 -w 1
#tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz 5302382 4543891 3064483 6781790 0.0226 0.4519 0.5779
hnsm distance tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz --merge --hasher rapid -k 21 -w 1
#tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz 5394043 4562542 3071076 6885509 0.0230 0.4460 0.5693
echo -e "tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz\ntests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz" |
hnsm distance stdin --merge --list --hasher mod -k 21 -w 1
#tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz 5302382 5302382 5302382 5302382 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000
#tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz 5302382 4543891 3064483 6781790 0.0226 0.4519 0.5779
#tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz 4543891 5302382 3064483 6781790 0.0226 0.4519 0.6744
#tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz tests/genome/mg1655.fa.gz 4543891 4543891 4543891 4543891 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000
curl -L \
> tests/clust/
curl -L \
> tests/clust/
curl -L \
> tests/clust/
hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 |
rgr filter stdin --ne 3:1
hyperfine --warmup 1 \
-n p1 \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 -p 1 > /dev/null' \
-n p2 \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 -p 2 > /dev/null' \
-n p3 \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 -p 3 > /dev/null' \
-n p4 \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 -p 4 > /dev/null' \
-n p6 \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 -p 6 > /dev/null' \
-n p8 \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 -p 8 > /dev/null' \
hyperfine --warmup 1 \
-n p1 \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 --zero -p 1 > /dev/null' \
-n p2 \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 --zero -p 2 > /dev/null' \
-n p3 \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 --zero -p 3 > /dev/null' \
-n p4 \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 --zero -p 4 > /dev/null' \
-n p6 \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 --zero -p 6 > /dev/null' \
-n p8 \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 --zero -p 8 > /dev/null' \
- AMD Ryzen 7 8745HS
Command | Mean [s] | Min [s] | Max [s] | Relative |
p1 |
24.840 ± 0.377 | 24.161 | 25.319 | 8.36 ± 0.45 |
p2 |
11.150 ± 0.153 | 10.958 | 11.481 | 3.75 ± 0.20 |
p3 |
6.877 ± 0.083 | 6.743 | 7.022 | 2.31 ± 0.12 |
p4 |
5.178 ± 0.107 | 5.033 | 5.317 | 1.74 ± 0.10 |
p6 |
3.745 ± 0.205 | 3.508 | 4.080 | 1.26 ± 0.10 |
p8 |
2.972 ± 0.155 | 2.842 | 3.347 | 1.00 |
Command | Mean [s] | Min [s] | Max [s] | Relative |
p1 |
32.044 ± 0.776 | 30.726 | 32.970 | 8.78 ± 0.25 |
p2 |
15.014 ± 0.110 | 14.842 | 15.212 | 4.12 ± 0.07 |
p3 |
9.182 ± 0.080 | 8.987 | 9.246 | 2.52 ± 0.04 |
p4 |
6.885 ± 0.087 | 6.735 | 6.974 | 1.89 ± 0.04 |
p6 |
4.569 ± 0.110 | 4.492 | 4.831 | 1.25 ± 0.04 |
p8 |
3.648 ± 0.055 | 3.587 | 3.774 | 1.00 |
- Hypervector
hnsm hv tests/clust/IBPA.fa
#tests/clust/IBPA.fa tests/clust/IBPA.fa 776 776 776 776 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000
hnsm distance tests/clust/IBPA.fa --merge
#tests/clust/IBPA.fa tests/clust/IBPA.fa 763 763 763 763 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000
hnsm hv tests/clust/
#tests/clust/ tests/clust/ 1240734 1240734 1240734 1240734 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000
hnsm distance tests/clust/ --merge
#tests/clust/ tests/clust/ 1267403 1267403 1267403 1267403 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000
hnsm hv tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 1
#tests/clust/ tests/clust/ 1240734 1733273 81195 2892811 0.4154 0.0281 0.0654
hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 1 --merge
#tests/clust/ tests/clust/ 1267403 1770832 60605 2977630 0.4602 0.0204 0.0478
hyperfine --warmup 1 \
-n distance \
'hnsm distance tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 -p 1 --merge > /dev/null' \
-n hv \
'hnsm hv tests/clust/ tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 -p 1 > /dev/null' \
Command | Mean [ms] | Min [ms] | Max [ms] | Relative |
distance |
161.5 ± 3.3 | 154.6 | 167.4 | 1.00 |
hv |
1571.1 ± 4.4 | 1564.7 | 1577.3 | 9.73 ± 0.20 |
- Six-frame
hnsm sixframe tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz --len 35 |
hnsm distance stdin tests/clust/ -k 7 -w 2 -p 4 |
wc -l
hnsm range tests/genome/sakai.fa.gz "NC_002695(+):4468532-4468696|frame=1"
cargo run --bin hnsm prefilter tests/index/final.contigs.fa tests/clust/IBPA.fa
# SRR6323163 - APH(3')-IIIa
# 3300030246 - acrB
hnsm prefilter tests/clust/SRR6323163.fa.gz "tests/clust/APH(3')-IIIa.fa"
hnsm prefilter tests/clust/SRR6323163.fa.gz "tests/clust/acrB.fa"
hnsm range tests/clust/SRR6323163.fa.gz "k141_4576(-):285-455|frame=2"
hnsm prefilter 3300035148.fna.gz "tests/clust/APH(3')-IIIa.fa" -c 1000000 -p 8
Qiang Wang
Copyright by Qiang Wang.
Written by Qiang Wang, 2024-