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Wasmi Benchmarking Suite

This includes execution and compilation benchmarks for the Wasmi interpreter and other Wasm runtimes.


The following Wasm runtimes and configurations are included.

Runtime ID Configurations Note
Wasmi v0.31 wasmi-v0.31 The old version of the Wasmi Wasm interpreter.
Wasmi v0.32 wasmi-v0.32 eager, eager.unchecked, lazy, lazy.unchecked, lazy-translation New Wasmi Wasm interpreter version with major updates.
Tinywasm tinywasm Very tiny zero-dependencies Wasm interpreter.
Wasm3 wasm3 eager, lazy A very fast well-established Wasm interpreter.
Wasmtime wasmtime cranelift, winch, pulley Well established Wasm JIT runtime with cutting edge Wasm features. Winch only works on x86 platforms.
Wasmer wasmer cranelift, singlepass, wamr Universal Wasm JIT runtime with many bindings to other language ecosystems.
Stitch stitch New experimental and very fast zero-dependencies Wasm interpreter.

Ideally we had more Wasm runtimes, e.g. WAMR, Toywasm and Wain but those had no proper Rust bindings or sufficiently flexible APIs respectively.

Configuration Explanation

  • eager: All function bodies are compiled and validated immediately.
  • eager.unchecked: Function bodies are compiled eagerly but Wasm validation is skipped.
  • lazy: Function bodies are only compiled and validated upon first use.
  • lazy.unchecked: Function bodies are only compiled upon first use and Wasm validation is skipped.
  • lazy-translation: Function bodies are lazily compiled but eagerly validated.
  • cranelift: The runtime uses the Cranelift code generator.
  • wasmtime.winch: Wasmtime's JIT optimized for fast start-up times.
  • wasmer.singlepass: Wasmer's JIT optimized for fast start-up times.

Note: by default runtimes compile and validate function bodies eagerly.


Run all benchmarks via:

cargo bench

Note: compilation might take some minutes since we are compiling a lot of Wasm runtimes with very high optimization settings.

Filter benchmarks via

  • compile: for compilation benchmarks.
  • execute: for execution benchmarks.
  • The runtime ID, e.g. wasmi-v0.31 or wasm3.
  • The runtime configuration on top of the runtime ID, e.g. wasmi-v0.32.lazy.
  • Single test names, e.g. counter (execute) or ffmpeg (compile)


Run all runtimes on the counter execution benchmark test case:

cargo bench execute/counter

Run all Wasm3 test cases with its eager compilation configuration:

cargo bench wasm3.eager

Test Cases

The Wasmi benchmarking test suite provides the following test cases:

Mode Test Case Notes
counter Simple loop that counts a single local up to some number.
fib.recursive Recursive fibonacci calculation. Call-intense workload.
fib.iterative Iterative fibonacci calculation. Compute intense workload.
fib.tailrec Tail-call based fibonacci calculation.
primes Calculates all primes until some number. Uses linear memory for storing known primes.
matmul Naive matrix multiplication implementation. Makes heavy use of linear memory and floats.
argon2 Password hashing library. Compute- and memory intense workload.
bulk-ops Show cases the Wasm bulk-memory-operations proposal.
bz2 Medium-sized compression library with huge function bodies. (WASI required)
pulldown-cmark Medium-sized markdown renderer. (WASI required)
spidermonkey The firefox Javascript execution engine. (large, WASI required)
ffmpeg Huge multimedia library. (WASI required)
coremark CoreMark benchmarking compilation. (kinda small, no WASI)
argon2 Password hashing library. (small, no WASI)
erc20 ink! based ERC-20 implementation. (tiny, no WASI)


This benchmark suite also contains a Coremark test which can be run via

cargo run --profile bench

This will run Coremark using all available Wasm VMs and print their Coremark scores to the console. Higher scores are better.


In order to run the benchmarks and simultaneously plot diagrams of their results use the following command:

cargo criterion --bench criterion --message-format=json | cargo run --bin plot

This generates plots in the target/wasmi-benchmarks folder for all the benchmark groups. In order to use this you may need to install cargo-criterion via cargo install cargo-criterion.

In case you want to collect data first and plot later you can also instead store the benchmark results into a file and use the file to plot the data later:

cargo criterion --bench criterion --message-format=json > results.json
cat results.json | cargo run --bin plot


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