is an Ansible role which:
- installs apache2
- configures apache2
- enables/disables confs
- creates sites
- enables/disables sites
- enables/disables modules
- optionally removes default host
- adds rules
- configures service
Since Ansible Galaxy supports organization now, this role has moved from
Using ansible-galaxy
$ ansible-galaxy install weareinteractive.apache2
Using requirements.yml
- src: weareinteractive.apache2
Using git
$ git clone https://github.com/weareinteractive/ansible-apache2.git weareinteractive.apache2
- Ansible >= 2.4
Here is a list of all the default variables for this role, which are also available in defaults/main.yml
# apache2_packages:
# - apache2
# - apache2-mpm-prefork
# apache2_module:
# - { id: auth, state: absent }
# - { id: rewrite, state: present }
# apache2_confs:
# - { id: security, state: absent }
# - { name: mime, state: present }
# - id: my_config
# state: present
# template: path/to/template.j2
# apache2_sites:
# - id: mysite (required)
# name: mysite.local (required)
# ip: '*'
# port: 80
# state: present
# add_webroot: no
# template: path/to/template.j2
# rules: []
# aliases: []
# redirects: []
# ssl:
# port: 443
# key_name: mykey
# cert_name: mycert
# chain_name: mychain
# auth:
# name: mysite
# file: mysite
# append: ''
# packages (versions)
- apache2
# ports to listen to
apache2_ports: [80]
# ssl ports to listen to
apache2_ssl_ports: [443]
# addresses to listen to (2.2 only)
apache2_listen_addresses: ['*']
# enabled/disabled modules
apache2_modules: []
# enabled/disabled confs
apache2_confs: []
# enabled/disabled sites
apache2_sites: []
# where do we have our document roots (default /var/www means /var/www/<SiteId>/htdocs)
apache2_sites_basedir: /var/www
# default site template file
apache2_sites_template: etc/apache2/sites-available/site.j2
# remove the default host
apache2_remove_default: no
# start on boot
apache2_service_enabled: yes
# current state: started, stopped
apache2_service_state: started
# set to one of: Full | OS | Minimal | Minor | Major | Prod
apache2_server_tokens: Prod
# set to one of: On | Off | EMail
apache2_server_signiture: 'Off'
# set to one of: On | Off | extended
apache2_trace_enable: 'Off'
# path to certificates
apache2_certs_path: /etc/ssl/certs
# path to keys
apache2_keys_path: /etc/ssl/private
These are the handlers that are defined in handlers/main.yml
- name: test and restart apache2
command: apache2ctl configtest
notify: restart apache2
- name: test and reload apache2
command: apache2ctl configtest
notify: reload apache2
- name: restart apache2
service: name=apache2 state=restarted
when: apache2_service_state != 'stopped'
- name: reload apache2
service: name=apache2 state=reloaded
when: apache2_service_state != 'stopped'
Some configuration fragments obtained from HTML 5 Boilerplate will be copied to
which can then be used inside your vhost configurations (see usage below).
- compression
- content_transform
- cors
- cors_images
- cors_timing
- cors_web_fonts
- etag
- expires
- file_concatenation
- filename_based_cache_busting
- ie_cookies
- ie_edge
- mimes
- security_file_access
- security_hosts
- security_mime
- security_signiture
- security_technology
- ssl
- utf8
This is an example playbook:
# this examples uses related roles:
# - weareinteractive.apt (https://github.com/weareinteractive/ansible-apt)
# - weareinteractive.openssl (https://github.com/weareinteractive/ansible-openssl)
# - weareinteractive.htpasswd (https://github.com/weareinteractive/ansible-htpasswd)
- hosts: all
become: yes
- weareinteractive.apt
- weareinteractive.openssl
- weareinteractive.htpasswd
- weareinteractive.apache2
- name: foobar
- { name: foobar, password: foobar }
- { id: ssl, state: present }
- { id: mime, state: present }
- { id: headers, state: present }
- { id: rewrite, state: present }
apache2_remove_default: yes
openssl_generate_csr: yes
- name: 'foobar.local'
country: 'DE'
state: 'Bavaria'
city: 'Munich'
organization: 'Foo Bar'
unit: 'Foo Bar Unit'
email: 'foo@bar.com'
- id: foobar
state: present
name: foobar.local
- mimes
- expires
- compression
add_webroot: yes
name: Foo Bar
file: foobar
key_name: foobar.local
cert_name: foobar.local
$ git clone https://github.com/weareinteractive/ansible-apache2.git
$ cd ansible-apache2
$ make test
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests and examples for any new or changed functionality.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
Note: To update the README.md
file please install and run ansible-role
$ gem install ansible-role
$ ansible-role docgen
Copyright (c) We Are Interactive under the MIT license.