This is a project template to use Jenkins Pipeline with testing multiple Git branches. It includes a Jenkins server for testing purposes (by using Docker Compose).
Docker and Docker Compose.
For an existing project your would like to extend, just the copy the essential files over (just the Jenkinsfile and the ci folder):
git clone
cp ../jenkins-multibranch/Jenkinsfile .
cp -r ../jenkins-multibranch/ci .
As an alternative, fork and clone this project so that you can directly test your CI workflow without messing up with an existing project. This is useful because you need to push commits and branches to trigger and test job builds.
mkdir -p ci/jenkins_home
docker-compose -f ci/docker-compose.yml up
Go to http://localhost:8080/ to use Jenkins for testing your CI pipeline. To make full use of every example feature in the Jenkinsfile, install the following plugins:
- Blue Ocean
- Slack Notification Plugin
- HTML Publisher plugin
- Warnings Plug-in
- Checkstyle Plug-in
- Static Analysis Collector Plug-in
- Cobertura Plugin
Go to http://localhost:8080/blue/ for the Blue Ocean interface. Add your project as a new pipeline - so either your existing project or the forked Jenkins-multibranch project. Configure the job to poll every minute in the job settings.
You can now push commits/branches to trigger builds!
After stopping it, you can remove the contents of the jenkins_home directory if you want to start with fresh Jenkins again:
rm -rf ci/jenkins_home/*
See the file on how to contribute to this project.
See the file for a list of contributors to the project.
If you want to report an issue see the file for more info.
We will be happy to answer your other questions at
Jenkins-multibranch is made available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.