The Evolution Addon Pack (EAP) is an addon based on the Stargate Franchise! We have many entities (including spaceships), props, tools, weapons, NPCs and much more!
Wiki: https://github.com/williamdefly/EvolutionAddonPack/wiki
Workshop Collection: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=515981131
Bugs: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/473313458/1319962683448783743/
Ideas: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/473313458/1319962683448790023/
Our Story : We are a french team developing this addon since 2014. As of December 2015, the development of the popular addon Carters Addon Pack (CAP for short) has been officially stopped (see their website for details). We hope to build upon CAP and its contents in this addon.
The Team :
- williamdefly, the founder, manager & mapper of the pack
- Elanis, the LUA scripter, 3D Modeler and texture and manager
- Lilou, the 3D Modeler
Special Thanks To :
- Carter Addon Pack Team ( https://github.com/RafaelDeJongh/cap/wiki )
- SGMod Team
- Mckay Addon Pack Team
- Stargate Total Conversion II
- Our Team (See above)
L'Evolution Addon Pack ( EAP ) est un addon a propos des séries Stargate ! Nous avons beaucoup d'entités et d'objets : des vaisseaux , des tools , des armes , des PNJ , et plus encore !
Wiki: https://github.com/williamdefly/EvolutionAddonPack/wiki
Collection Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=515981131
Bugs: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/473313458/1319962683448783743/
Idees: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/473313458/1319962683448790023/
Notre Histoire : Nous sommes une equipe francaise produisant cet addon depuis 2014. En Decembre 2015 , le develloppement du Carter Addon Pack ( CAP ) s'est arreté. Nous esperons construire un addon encore meilleur a partir du contenu du CAP.
L'equipe :
- williamdefly, le fondateur, gérant et le mappeur du pack
- Elanis, le codeur LUA, modeliseur 3D, et textureur et gérant
- Lilou, le modeliseur 3D
- L'equipe du SGMod
- L'equipe du Mckay Addon Pack
- L'equipe du Carter Addon Pack ( https://github.com/RafaelDeJongh/cap/wiki )
- Stargate Total Conversion II
- Notre Equipe ( Voir ci-dessus )
All Credits / Tout les Credits : https://github.com/williamdefly/Evolutionaddonpack/blob/master/credits.txt