This project aims to make the categorization and study of wildlife camera pictures fun and easy.
Three easy steps:
- Upload
- Categorize
- Report
Dropwizard ( )
AngularJS ( )
Relational Database (currently mysql, but postgres would also work )
Bootstrap ( )
Currently this project needs
- testing - submit problems to the "issues" part of github.
- better use of layout/css within bootstrap to up the visual quality. pull requests please!
- a better name - I purposely made WLCDM as bad as possible so that I'd get something better. and I still haven't. send 'em!
- If you have experience with wildlife camera arrays/grid and how this data is analyzed, I would love to push in that direction.
install required packages
- MySQL (or equivalent, I haven't tried postgres, but this project doesn't use anything fancy )
- an amazon S3 account ( it might start without this, but you won't be able to upload pictures unless you set the "amazon" field to false in the config in which case you get a file system image storage.
- an SMTP server capable of sending emails.
clone the project:
git clone
build the project:
mvn clean package
create a database and database user:
create database wlcdm;
create user 'wlcdm'@'localhost' identified by 'supersecret';
grant all on wlcdm.* to 'wlcdm'@'localhost';
setup the config file:
cp serverconfig.example.yml serverconfig.yml
vi serverconfig.yml
Now edit serverconfig.yml. replace all instances of with more appropriate data.
create database tables ( this command uses liquibase to make sure your DB is up to date)
java -jar target/wlcdmsrv.jar db migrate serverconfig.yml
start server:
java -jar target/wlcdmsrv.jar server serverconfig.yml
and go visit it: http://localhost:8080/