Portable TPM 2.0 project designed for embedded use.
- This implementation provides all TPM 2.0 API's in compliance with the specification.
- Wrappers provided to simplify Key Generation/Loading, RSA encrypt/decrypt, ECC sign/verify, ECDH, NV, Hashing/HACM, AES, Sealing/Unsealing, Attestation, PCR Extend/Quote and Secure Root of Trust.
- Testing done using TPM 2.0 modules from STMicro ST33 (SPI/I2C), Infineon OPTIGA SLB9670/SLB9672/SLB9673, Microchip ATTPM20, Nations Tech Z32H330TC/NS350 and Nuvoton NPCT650/NPCT750.
- wolfTPM uses the TPM Interface Specification (TIS) to communicate either over SPI, or using a memory mapped I/O range.
- wolfTPM can also use the Linux TPM kernel interface (
) to talk with any physical TPM on SPI, I2C and even LPC bus. - Platform support for Raspberry Pi (Linux), MMIO, STM32 with CubeMX, Atmel ASF, Xilinx, QNX Infineon TriCore and Barebox.
- The design allows for easy portability to different platforms:
- Native C code designed for embedded use.
- Single IO callback for hardware SPI interface.
- No external dependencies.
- Compact code size and minimal memory use.
- Includes example code for:
- Most TPM2 native API's
- All TPM2 wrapper API's
- PKCS 7
- Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
- TLS Client
- TLS Server
- Use of the TPM's Non-volatile memory
- Attestation (activate and make credential)
- Benchmarking TPM algorithms and TLS
- Key Generation (primary, RSA/ECC and symmetric), loading and storing to flash (NV memory)
- Sealing and Unsealing data with an RSA key or externally signed policy.
- Time signed or set
- PCR read/reset
- GPIO configure, read and write.
- Endorsement Key/Cert retrieval and validation.
- Parameter encryption support using AES-CFB or XOR.
- Support for salted unbound authenticated sessions.
- Support for HMAC Sessions.
- Support for reading Endorsement certificates (EK Credential Profile).
Note: See examples/README.md for details on using the examples.
Each hierarchy has their own manufacture generated seed.
The arguments used on TPM2_Create
or TPM2_CreatePrimary
create a template, which is fed into a KDF to produce the same key based hierarchy used. The key generated is the same each time; even after reboot. The generation of a new RSA 2048 bit key takes about 15 seconds. Typically these are created and then stored in NV using TPM2_EvictControl
. Each TPM generates their own keys uniquely based on the seed.
There is also an Ephemeral hierarchy (TPM_RH_NULL
), which can be used to create ephemeral keys.
Contains hash digests for SHA-1 and SHA-256 with an index 0-23. These hash digests can be extended to prove the integrity of a boot sequence (secure boot).
This project uses the terms append vs. marshall and parse vs. unmarshall.
- HAL: Hardware Abstraction Layer.
- NV: Non-Volatile memory.
- TPM: Trusted Platform Module.
The examples in this library are written for use on a Raspberry Pi and use the spi_dev
See the HAL manual in hal/README.md.
For interfacing to your hardware interface (SPI/I2C) a single HAL callback is used and configuration on initialization when calling TPM2_Init
or wolfTPM2_Init
There are HAL examples in hal
directory for:
- Atmel ASF
- BareBox
- Espressif ESP-IDF
- Infineon TriCore
- Linux
- STM32 CubeMX
- Xilinx
We also support an advanced IO option (--enable-advio
), which adds the register and read/write flag as parameter to the IO callback. This is required for I2C support.
Tested with:
- Infineon OPTIGA (TM) Trusted Platform Module 2.0 SLB9670, SLB9672 and SLB9673 (I2C).
- LetsTrust: Vendor for TPM development boards http://letstrust.de.
- Microchip ATTPM20 module
- Nuvoton NPCT65X or NPCT75x TPM2.0 modules
- Nations Technologies Z32H330 or NS350 TPM 2.0 modules
Infineon SLB9670: TPM2: Caps 0x30000697, Did 0x001b, Vid 0x15d1, Rid 0x10 Mfg IFX (1), Vendor SLB9670, Fw 7.85 (4555), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 1
Infineon SLB9672: TPM2: Caps 0x30000697, Did 0x001d, Vid 0x15d1, Rid 0x36 Mfg IFX (1), Vendor SLB9672, Fw 16.10 (0x4068), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 1
Infineon SLB9673: TPM2: Caps 0x1ae00082, Did 0x001c, Vid 0x15d1, Rid 0x16 Mfg IFX (1), Vendor SLB9673, Fw 26.13 (0x456a), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 1
STMicro ST33KTPM2XSPI TPM2: Caps 0x30000415, Did 0x0003, Vid 0x104a, Rid 0x 0 Mfg STM (2), Vendor ST33KTPM2XSPI, Fw 9.256 (0x0), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 0
STMicro ST33TPHF2XSPI TPM2: Caps 0x1a7e2882, Did 0x0000, Vid 0x104a, Rid 0x4e Mfg STM (2), Vendor , Fw 74.8 (1151341959), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 0
STMicro ST33TPHF2XI2C TPM2: Caps 0x1a7e2882, Did 0x0000, Vid 0x104a, Rid 0x4e Mfg STM (2), Vendor , Fw 74.9 (1151341959), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 0
Microchip ATTPM20 TPM2: Caps 0x30000695, Did 0x3205, Vid 0x1114, Rid 0x 1 Mfg MCHP (3), Vendor , Fw 512.20481 (0), FIPS 140-2 0, CC-EAL4 0
Nations Technologies Inc. Z32H330 TPM 2.0 module Mfg NTZ (0), Vendor Z32H330, Fw 7.51 (419631892), FIPS 140-2 0, CC-EAL4 0
Nations Technologies Inc. NS350 TPM 2.0 module TPM2: Caps 0x30000615, Did 0x0701, Vid 0x9999, Rid 0x 1 Mfg NSG (0), Vendor NS350, Fw 30.30 (0x24042510), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 0
Nuvoton NPCT650 TPM2.0 Mfg NTC (0), Vendor rlsNPCT , Fw 1.3 (65536), FIPS 140-2 0, CC-EAL4 0
Nuvoton NPCT750 TPM2.0 TPM2: Caps 0x30000697, Did 0x00fc, Vid 0x1050, Rid 0x 1 Mfg NTC (0), Vendor NPCT75x"!!4rls, Fw 7.2 (131072), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 0
git clone https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfssl.git
cd wolfssl
./configure --enable-wolftpm
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
autogen.sh requires: automake and libtool: sudo apt-get install automake libtool
# cd /your-wolfssl-repo
./autogen.h # as necessary
./configure --prefix=~/workspace/my_wolfssl_bin --enable-all
make install
# then for some other library such as wolfTPM:
# cd /your-wolftpm-repo
./configure --enable-swtpm --with-wolfcrypt=~/workspace/my_wolfssl_bin
--enable-debug Add debug code/turns off optimizations (yes|no|verbose|io) - DEBUG_WOLFTPM, WOLFTPM_DEBUG_VERBOSE, WOLFTPM_DEBUG_IO
--enable-examples Enable Examples (default: enabled)
--enable-wrapper Enable wrapper code (default: enabled) - WOLFTPM2_NO_WRAPPER
--enable-wolfcrypt Enable wolfCrypt hooks for RNG, Auth Sessions and Parameter encryption (default: enabled) - WOLFTPM2_NO_WOLFCRYPT
--enable-advio Enable Advanced IO (default: disabled) - WOLFTPM_ADV_IO
--enable-i2c Enable I2C TPM Support (default: disabled, requires advio) - WOLFTPM_I2C
--enable-checkwaitstate Enable TIS / SPI Check Wait State support (default: depends on chip) - WOLFTPM_CHECK_WAIT_STATE
--enable-smallstack Enable options to reduce stack usage
--enable-tislock Enable Linux Named Semaphore for locking access to SPI device for concurrent access between processes - WOLFTPM_TIS_LOCK
--enable-autodetect Enable Runtime Module Detection (default: enable - when no module specified) - WOLFTPM_AUTODETECT
--enable-infineon Enable Infineon SLB9670/SLB9672/SLB9673 TPM Support (default: disabled) - WOLFTPM_SLB9670 / WOLFTPM_SLB9672
--enable-st Enable ST ST33 Support (default: disabled) - WOLFTPM_ST33
--enable-microchip Enable Microchip ATTPM20 Support (default: disabled) - WOLFTPM_MICROCHIP
--enable-nuvoton Enable Nuvoton NPCT65x/NPCT75x Support (default: disabled) - WOLFTPM_NUVOTON
--enable-devtpm Enable using Linux kernel driver for /dev/tpmX (default: disabled) - WOLFTPM_LINUX_DEV
--enable-swtpm Enable using SWTPM TCP protocol. For use with simulator. (default: disabled) - WOLFTPM_SWTPM
--enable-winapi Use Windows TBS API. (default: disabled) - WOLFTPM_WINAPI
WOLFTPM_USE_SYMMETRIC Enables symmetric AES/Hashing/HMAC support for TLS examples.
WOLFTPM2_USE_SW_ECDHE Disables use of TPM for ECC ephemeral key generation and shared secret for TLS examples.
TLS_BENCH_MODE Enables TLS benchmarking mode.
NO_TPM_BENCH Disables the TPM benchmarking example.
Note: For the I2C support on Raspberry Pi you may need to enable I2C. Here are the steps:
- Edit
sudo vim /boot/config.txt
- Uncomment
- Reboot
sudo reboot
Support for SLB9670 or SLB9672 (SPI) / SLB9673 (I2C)
Build wolfTPM:
git clone https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfTPM.git
cd wolfTPM
./configure --enable-infineon [--enable-i2c]
The default is SLB9672/SLB9673 (if I2C). To specify SLB9670 use --enable-infineon=slb9670
Build wolfTPM:
./configure --enable-st33 [--enable-i2c]
Build wolfTPM:
./configure --enable-microchip
Build wolfTPM:
./configure --enable-nuvoton
Use ./configure
with defaults. All TPM 2.0 modules are compatible.
The Nations NS350 Raspberry Pi TPM 2.0 module uses /dev/spidev0.0
. The TPM wait states are required (on by default with WOLFTPM_CHECK_WAIT_STATE).
See the wolfTPM-specific settings in the wolfSSL user_settings.h
file, typically found in [project]/components/wolfssl/include
git clone https://github.com/wolfSSL/wolfTPM.git
cd wolfTPM/IDE/Espressif
# set your path to ESP-IDF, shown here for VisualGDB using v5.2
. ${WRK_IDF_PATH}/export.sh
idf.py build
The --enable-devtpm
build option allows you to use the Linux supplied TPM (TIS) driver.
To specify a different /dev/tpmX
device use CFLAGS="-DTPM2_LINUX_DEV=/dev/tpm1"
./configure --enable-devtpm
The TPM2_Init
or wolfTPM2_Init
calls should use NULL for the HAL IO callback argument. The default HAL IO TPM2_IoCb
maps to a macro specifying NULL (#define TPM2_IoCb NULL
) in tpm_io.h for the devtpm option.
By default the /dev/tpmX
requires sudo permissions to use it. If using the tpm2-tss it will install a "tss" group that you can add permissions to sudo adduser [username] tss
To add your own custom wolfTPM rule for /dev/tpm0 do the following:
- Create new group and add your user to it (replace "[username]" with yours):
sudo addgroup wolftpm
sudo adduser [username] wolftpm
sudo chgrp wolftpm /dev/tpm0
Create new rule file:
sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/wolftpm-udev.rules
Add the following rule to file:
KERNEL=="tpm[0-9]*", TAG+="systemd", MODE="0660", GROUP="wolftpm"
- Reboot or reload rules:
sudo udevadm control -R
See docs/SWTPM.md
See docs/WindowTBS.md
CMake supports compiling in many environments including Visual Studio
if CMake support is installed. The commands below can be run in
Developer Command Prompt
mkdir build
cd build
# to use installed wolfSSL location (library and headers)
cmake .. -DWITH_WOLFSSL=/prefix/to/wolfssl/install/
# OR to use a wolfSSL source tree
cmake .. -DWITH_WOLFSSL_TREE=/path/to/wolfssl/
# build
cmake --build .
These examples demonstrate features of a TPM 2.0 module. The examples create RSA and ECC keys in NV for testing using handles defined in ./hal/tpm_io.h
. The PKCS #7 and TLS examples require generating CSR's and signing them using a test script. See examples/README.md
for details on using the examples. To run the TLS sever and client on same machine you must build with WOLFTPM_TIS_LOCK
to enable concurrent access protection.
Simple test that gets TPM capabilities and search for any persistent handles.
TPM2 Get Capabilities
wolfSSL Entering wolfCrypt_Init
Mfg NSG (0), Vendor NS350, Fw 30.30 (0x24042510), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 0
Found 2 persistent handles
TPM2 Demo for Wrapper API's
Mfg STM (2), Vendor , Fw 74.8 (1151341959), FIPS 140-2 1, CC-EAL4 0
RSA Encrypt/Decrypt Test Passed
RSA Encrypt/Decrypt OAEP Test Passed
RSA Key 0x80000000 Exported to wolf RsaKey
wolf RsaKey loaded into TPM: Handle 0x80000000
RSA Private Key Loaded into TPM: Handle 0x80000000
ECC Sign/Verify Passed
ECC DH Test Passed
ECC Verify Test Passed
ECC Key 0x80000000 Exported to wolf ecc_key
wolf ecc_key loaded into TPM: Handle 0x80000000
ECC Private Key Loaded into TPM: Handle 0x80000000
NV Test on index 0x1800200 with 1024 bytes passed
Hash SHA256 test success
HMAC SHA256 test success
Encrypt/Decrypt (known key) test success
Encrypt/Decrypt test success
Note: Key Generation is using existing template from hierarchy seed.
Run on Infineon OPTIGA SLB9670 at 43MHz:
TPM2 Benchmark using Wrapper API's
RNG 16 KB took 1.140 seconds, 14.033 KB/s
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CTR-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CFB-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CFB-dec not supported!
SHA1 138 KB took 1.009 seconds, 136.783 KB/s
SHA256 138 KB took 1.009 seconds, 136.763 KB/s
RSA 2048 key gen 5 ops took 10.981 sec, avg 2196.230 ms, 0.455 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Public 113 ops took 1.005 sec, avg 8.893 ms, 112.449 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Private 7 ops took 1.142 sec, avg 163.207 ms, 6.127 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Pub OAEP 73 ops took 1.011 sec, avg 13.848 ms, 72.211 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Priv OAEP 6 ops took 1.004 sec, avg 167.399 ms, 5.974 ops/sec
ECC 256 key gen 5 ops took 1.157 sec, avg 231.350 ms, 4.322 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 sign 15 ops took 1.033 sec, avg 68.865 ms, 14.521 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 verify 9 ops took 1.022 sec, avg 113.539 ms, 8.808 ops/sec
ECDHE 256 agree 5 ops took 1.161 sec, avg 232.144 ms, 4.308 ops/sec
Run on Infineon OPTIGA SLB9672 at 43MHz:
TPM2 Benchmark using Wrapper API's
Use Parameter Encryption: NULL
Loading SRK: Storage 0x81000200 (282 bytes)
RNG 24 KB took 1.070 seconds, 22.429 KB/s
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CTR-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-dec not supported!
AES-128-CFB-enc 86 KB took 1.001 seconds, 85.890 KB/s
AES-128-CFB-dec 88 KB took 1.020 seconds, 86.267 KB/s
AES-256-CFB-enc 86 KB took 1.023 seconds, 84.073 KB/s
AES-256-CFB-dec 86 KB took 1.019 seconds, 84.370 KB/s
SHA1 88 KB took 1.021 seconds, 86.155 KB/s
SHA256 86 KB took 1.015 seconds, 84.717 KB/s
SHA384 90 KB took 1.007 seconds, 89.405 KB/s
RSA 2048 key gen 10 ops took 15.677 sec, avg 1567.678 ms, 0.638 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Public 110 ops took 1.000 sec, avg 9.095 ms, 109.951 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Private 14 ops took 1.078 sec, avg 76.996 ms, 12.988 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Pub OAEP 51 ops took 1.012 sec, avg 19.838 ms, 50.408 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Priv OAEP 12 ops took 1.053 sec, avg 87.738 ms, 11.398 ops/sec
ECC 256 key gen 8 ops took 1.088 sec, avg 135.956 ms, 7.355 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 sign 29 ops took 1.033 sec, avg 35.621 ms, 28.073 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 verify 42 ops took 1.013 sec, avg 24.114 ms, 41.470 ops/sec
ECDHE 256 agree 16 ops took 1.055 sec, avg 65.948 ms, 15.164 ops/sec
Run on Infineon SLB9673 on I2C at 400kHz:
TPM2 Benchmark using Wrapper API's
Use Parameter Encryption: NULL
Loading SRK: Storage 0x81000200 (282 bytes)
RNG 4 KB took 1.429 seconds, 2.799 KB/s
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CTR-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-dec not supported!
AES-128-CFB-enc 4 KB took 1.022 seconds, 3.914 KB/s
AES-128-CFB-dec 4 KB took 1.021 seconds, 3.916 KB/s
AES-256-CFB-enc 4 KB took 1.023 seconds, 3.911 KB/s
AES-256-CFB-dec 4 KB took 1.023 seconds, 3.912 KB/s
SHA1 8 KB took 1.203 seconds, 6.650 KB/s
SHA256 8 KB took 1.208 seconds, 6.623 KB/s
SHA384 8 KB took 1.209 seconds, 6.617 KB/s
RSA 2048 key gen 10 ops took 19.106 sec, avg 1910.554 ms, 0.523 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Public 14 ops took 1.046 sec, avg 74.740 ms, 13.380 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Private 6 ops took 1.008 sec, avg 168.057 ms, 5.950 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Pub OAEP 15 ops took 1.008 sec, avg 67.231 ms, 14.874 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Priv OAEP 7 ops took 1.126 sec, avg 160.789 ms, 6.219 ops/sec
ECC 256 key gen 4 ops took 1.244 sec, avg 311.031 ms, 3.215 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 sign 14 ops took 1.009 sec, avg 72.057 ms, 13.878 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 verify 18 ops took 1.043 sec, avg 57.921 ms, 17.265 ops/sec
ECDHE 256 agree 9 ops took 1.025 sec, avg 113.888 ms, 8.781 ops/sec
Run on STMicro ST33KTPM2XSPI at 33MHz:
TPM2 Benchmark using Wrapper API's
Use Parameter Encryption: NULL
Loading SRK: Storage 0x81000200 (282 bytes)
RNG 24 KB took 1.042 seconds, 23.028 KB/s
AES-128-CBC-enc 52 KB took 1.018 seconds, 51.077 KB/s
AES-128-CBC-dec 52 KB took 1.027 seconds, 50.644 KB/s
AES-256-CBC-enc 46 KB took 1.012 seconds, 45.446 KB/s
AES-256-CBC-dec 46 KB took 1.021 seconds, 45.072 KB/s
AES-128-CTR-enc 44 KB took 1.025 seconds, 42.927 KB/s
AES-128-CTR-dec 44 KB took 1.024 seconds, 42.955 KB/s
AES-256-CTR-enc 40 KB took 1.025 seconds, 39.016 KB/s
AES-256-CTR-dec 40 KB took 1.026 seconds, 38.992 KB/s
AES-128-CFB-enc 52 KB took 1.026 seconds, 50.674 KB/s
AES-128-CFB-dec 46 KB took 1.023 seconds, 44.986 KB/s
AES-256-CFB-enc 46 KB took 1.021 seconds, 45.047 KB/s
AES-256-CFB-dec 42 KB took 1.033 seconds, 40.665 KB/s
SHA1 138 KB took 1.009 seconds, 136.727 KB/s
SHA256 128 KB took 1.010 seconds, 126.723 KB/s
SHA384 116 KB took 1.001 seconds, 115.833 KB/s
RSA 2048 key gen 9 ops took 17.497 sec, avg 1944.057 ms, 0.514 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Public 155 ops took 1.003 sec, avg 6.468 ms, 154.601 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Private 12 ops took 1.090 sec, avg 90.806 ms, 11.013 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Pub OAEP 122 ops took 1.004 sec, avg 8.230 ms, 121.501 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Priv OAEP 11 ops took 1.023 sec, avg 92.964 ms, 10.757 ops/sec
ECC 256 key gen 12 ops took 1.070 sec, avg 89.172 ms, 11.214 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 sign 40 ops took 1.010 sec, avg 25.251 ms, 39.602 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 verify 28 ops took 1.023 sec, avg 36.543 ms, 27.365 ops/sec
ECDHE 256 agree 16 ops took 1.062 sec, avg 66.391 ms, 15.062 ops/sec
Run on STMicro ST33TPHF2XSPI at 33MHz:
TPM2 Benchmark using Wrapper API's
RNG 14 KB took 1.017 seconds, 13.763 KB/s
AES-128-CBC-enc 40 KB took 1.008 seconds, 39.666 KB/s
AES-128-CBC-dec 42 KB took 1.032 seconds, 40.711 KB/s
AES-256-CBC-enc 40 KB took 1.013 seconds, 39.496 KB/s
AES-256-CBC-dec 40 KB took 1.011 seconds, 39.563 KB/s
AES-128-CTR-enc 26 KB took 1.055 seconds, 24.646 KB/s
AES-128-CTR-dec 26 KB took 1.035 seconds, 25.117 KB/s
AES-256-CTR-enc 26 KB took 1.028 seconds, 25.302 KB/s
AES-256-CTR-dec 26 KB took 1.030 seconds, 25.252 KB/s
AES-128-CFB-enc 42 KB took 1.045 seconds, 40.201 KB/s
AES-128-CFB-dec 40 KB took 1.008 seconds, 39.699 KB/s
AES-256-CFB-enc 40 KB took 1.022 seconds, 39.151 KB/s
AES-256-CFB-dec 42 KB took 1.041 seconds, 40.362 KB/s
SHA1 86 KB took 1.005 seconds, 85.559 KB/s
SHA256 84 KB took 1.019 seconds, 82.467 KB/s
RSA 2048 key gen 1 ops took 7.455 sec, avg 7455.036 ms, 0.134 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Public 110 ops took 1.003 sec, avg 9.122 ms, 109.624 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Private 5 ops took 1.239 sec, avg 247.752 ms, 4.036 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Pub OAEP 81 ops took 1.001 sec, avg 12.364 ms, 80.880 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Priv OAEP 4 ops took 1.007 sec, avg 251.780 ms, 3.972 ops/sec
ECC 256 key gen 5 ops took 1.099 sec, avg 219.770 ms, 4.550 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 sign 24 ops took 1.016 sec, avg 42.338 ms, 23.619 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 verify 14 ops took 1.036 sec, avg 74.026 ms, 13.509 ops/sec
ECDHE 256 agree 5 ops took 1.235 sec, avg 247.085 ms, 4.047 ops/sec
Run on Microchip ATTPM20 at 33MHz:
TPM2 Benchmark using Wrapper API's
RNG 2 KB took 1.867 seconds, 1.071 KB/s
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CTR-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-dec not supported!
AES-128-CFB-enc 16 KB took 1.112 seconds, 14.383 KB/s
AES-128-CFB-dec 16 KB took 1.129 seconds, 14.166 KB/s
AES-256-CFB-enc 12 KB took 1.013 seconds, 11.845 KB/s
AES-256-CFB-dec 12 KB took 1.008 seconds, 11.909 KB/s
SHA1 22 KB took 1.009 seconds, 21.797 KB/s
SHA256 22 KB took 1.034 seconds, 21.270 KB/s
RSA 2048 key gen 3 ops took 15.828 sec, avg 5275.861 ms, 0.190 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Public 22 ops took 1.034 sec, avg 47.021 ms, 21.267 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Private 9 ops took 1.059 sec, avg 117.677 ms, 8.498 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Pub OAEP 21 ops took 1.007 sec, avg 47.959 ms, 20.851 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Priv OAEP 9 ops took 1.066 sec, avg 118.423 ms, 8.444 ops/sec
ECC 256 key gen 7 ops took 1.072 sec, avg 153.140 ms, 6.530 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 sign 18 ops took 1.056 sec, avg 58.674 ms, 17.043 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 verify 24 ops took 1.031 sec, avg 42.970 ms, 23.272 ops/sec
ECDHE 256 agree 16 ops took 1.023 sec, avg 63.934 ms, 15.641 ops/sec
Run on Nations Technologies Inc. Z32H330 TPM 2.0 module at 33MHz:
TPM2 Benchmark using Wrapper API's
RNG 12 KB took 1.065 seconds, 11.270 KB/s
AES-128-CBC-enc 48 KB took 1.026 seconds, 46.780 KB/s
AES-128-CBC-dec 48 KB took 1.039 seconds, 46.212 KB/s
AES-256-CBC-enc 48 KB took 1.035 seconds, 46.370 KB/s
AES-256-CBC-dec 48 KB took 1.025 seconds, 46.852 KB/s
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CTR-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-dec not supported!
AES-128-CFB-enc 50 KB took 1.029 seconds, 48.591 KB/s
AES-128-CFB-dec 50 KB took 1.035 seconds, 48.294 KB/s
AES-256-CFB-enc 48 KB took 1.000 seconds, 47.982 KB/s
AES-256-CFB-dec 48 KB took 1.003 seconds, 47.855 KB/s
SHA1 80 KB took 1.009 seconds, 79.248 KB/s
SHA256 80 KB took 1.004 seconds, 79.702 KB/s
SHA384 78 KB took 1.018 seconds, 76.639 KB/s
RSA 2048 key gen 8 ops took 17.471 sec, avg 2183.823 ms, 0.458 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Public 52 ops took 1.004 sec, avg 19.303 ms, 51.805 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Private 8 ops took 1.066 sec, avg 133.243 ms, 7.505 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Pub OAEP 51 ops took 1.001 sec, avg 19.621 ms, 50.966 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Priv OAEP 8 ops took 1.073 sec, avg 134.182 ms, 7.453 ops/sec
ECC 256 key gen 20 ops took 1.037 sec, avg 51.871 ms, 19.279 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 sign 43 ops took 1.006 sec, avg 23.399 ms, 42.736 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 verify 28 ops took 1.030 sec, avg 36.785 ms, 27.185 ops/sec
ECDHE 256 agree 26 ops took 1.010 sec, avg 38.847 ms, 25.742 ops/sec
Run on Nations Technologies Inc. NS350 TPM 2.0 module at 33MHz:
TPM2 Benchmark using Wrapper API's
Use Parameter Encryption: NULL
RNG 6 KB took 1.052 seconds, 5.703 KB/s
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CTR-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-dec not supported!
Encrypt/Decrypt unavailable
AES-128-CFB-enc 0 bytes took 0.005 seconds, 0.000 bytes/s
Encrypt/Decrypt unavailable
AES-128-CFB-dec 0 bytes took 0.006 seconds, 0.000 bytes/s
Encrypt/Decrypt unavailable
AES-256-CFB-enc 0 bytes took 0.006 seconds, 0.000 bytes/s
Encrypt/Decrypt unavailable
AES-256-CFB-dec 0 bytes took 0.005 seconds, 0.000 bytes/s
SHA1 68 KB took 1.003 seconds, 67.772 KB/s
SHA256 68 KB took 1.002 seconds, 67.871 KB/s
SHA384 66 KB took 1.007 seconds, 65.548 KB/s
RSA 2048 key gen 7 ops took 16.652 sec, avg 2378.893 ms, 0.420 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Public 126 ops took 1.005 sec, avg 7.980 ms, 125.321 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Private 20 ops took 1.035 sec, avg 51.735 ms, 19.329 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Pub OAEP 81 ops took 1.008 sec, avg 12.443 ms, 80.366 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Priv OAEP 19 ops took 1.027 sec, avg 54.033 ms, 18.507 ops/sec
ECC 256 key gen 20 ops took 1.042 sec, avg 52.095 ms, 19.196 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 sign 60 ops took 1.009 sec, avg 16.816 ms, 59.466 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 verify 46 ops took 1.008 sec, avg 21.921 ms, 45.618 ops/sec
ECDHE 256 agree 38 ops took 1.008 sec, avg 26.532 ms, 37.691 ops/sec
Run on Nuvoton NPCT650:
TPM2 Benchmark using Wrapper API's
RNG 8 KB took 1.291 seconds, 6.197 KB/s
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CTR-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CFB-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CFB-dec not supported!
SHA1 90 KB took 1.005 seconds, 89.530 KB/s
SHA256 90 KB took 1.010 seconds, 89.139 KB/s
RSA 2048 key gen 8 ops took 35.833 sec, avg 4479.152 ms, 0.223 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Public 77 ops took 1.007 sec, avg 13.078 ms, 76.463 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Private 2 ops took 1.082 sec, avg 540.926 ms, 1.849 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Pub OAEP 53 ops took 1.005 sec, avg 18.961 ms, 52.739 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Priv OAEP 2 ops took 1.088 sec, avg 544.075 ms, 1.838 ops/sec
ECC 256 key gen 7 ops took 1.033 sec, avg 147.608 ms, 6.775 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 sign 6 ops took 1.141 sec, avg 190.149 ms, 5.259 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 verify 4 ops took 1.061 sec, avg 265.216 ms, 3.771 ops/sec
ECDHE 256 agree 6 ops took 1.055 sec, avg 175.915 ms, 5.685 ops/sec
Run on Nuvoton NPCT750 at 43MHz:
RNG 16 KB took 1.114 seconds, 14.368 KB/s
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-128-CBC-dec not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-enc not supported!
Benchmark symmetric AES-256-CBC-dec not supported!
SHA1 120 KB took 1.012 seconds, 118.618 KB/s
SHA256 122 KB took 1.012 seconds, 120.551 KB/s
SHA384 120 KB took 1.003 seconds, 119.608 KB/s
RSA 2048 key gen 5 ops took 17.043 sec, avg 3408.678 ms, 0.293 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Public 134 ops took 1.004 sec, avg 7.490 ms, 133.517 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Private 15 ops took 1.054 sec, avg 70.261 ms, 14.233 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Pub OAEP 116 ops took 1.002 sec, avg 8.636 ms, 115.797 ops/sec
RSA 2048 Priv OAEP 15 ops took 1.061 sec, avg 70.716 ms, 14.141 ops/sec
ECC 256 key gen 12 ops took 1.008 sec, avg 84.020 ms, 11.902 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 sign 18 ops took 1.015 sec, avg 56.399 ms, 17.731 ops/sec
ECDSA 256 verify 26 ops took 1.018 sec, avg 39.164 ms, 25.533 ops/sec
ECDHE 256 agree 35 ops took 1.029 sec, avg 29.402 ms, 34.011 ops/sec
TPM2 Demo using Native API's
TPM2: Caps 0x30000495, Did 0x0000, Vid 0x104a, Rid 0x4e
TPM2_Startup pass
TPM2_SelfTest pass
TPM2_GetTestResult: Size 12, Rc 0x0
TPM2_IncrementalSelfTest: Rc 0x0, Alg 0x1 (Todo 0)
TPM2_GetCapability: Property FamilyIndicator 0x322e3000
TPM2_GetCapability: Property PCR Count 24
TPM2_GetCapability: Property FIRMWARE_VERSION_1 0x004a0008
TPM2_GetCapability: Property FIRMWARE_VERSION_2 0x44a01587
TPM2_GetRandom: Got 32 bytes
TPM2_StirRandom: success
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 0, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 0, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 1, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 1, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 2, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 2, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 3, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 3, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 4, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 4, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 5, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 5, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 6, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 6, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 7, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 7, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 8, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 8, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 9, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 9, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 10, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 10, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 11, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 11, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 12, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 12, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 13, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 13, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 14, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 14, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 15, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 15, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 16, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 16, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 17, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 17, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 18, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 18, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 19, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 19, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 20, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 20, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 21, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 21, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 22, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 22, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 23, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 23, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 20
TPM2_PCR_Extend success
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 0, Count 1
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 0, Digest Sz 32, Update Counter 21
TPM2_StartAuthSession: sessionHandle 0x3000000
TPM2_PolicyGetDigest: size 32
TPM2_PCR_Read: Index 0, Digest Sz 20, Update Counter 21
wc_Hash of PCR[0]: size 32
TPM2_PolicyPCR failed 0x1c4: TPM_RC_AUTHSIZE
TPM2_PolicyRestart: Done
TPM2_HashSequenceStart: sequenceHandle 0x80000000
Hash SHA256 test success
TPM2_CreatePrimary: Endorsement 0x80000000 (314 bytes)
TPM2_CreatePrimary: Storage 0x80000002 (282 bytes)
TPM2_LoadExternal: 0x80000004
TPM2_MakeCredential: credentialBlob 68, secret 256
TPM2_ReadPublic Handle 0x80000004: pub 314, name 34, qualifiedName 34
Create HMAC-SHA256 Key success, public 48, Private 137
TPM2_Load New HMAC Key Handle 0x80000004
TPM2_PolicyCommandCode: success
TPM2_ObjectChangeAuth: private 137
TPM2_ECC_Parameters: CurveID 3, sz 256, p 32, a 32, b 32, gX 32, gY 32, n 32, h 1
TPM2_Create: New ECDSA Key: pub 88, priv 126
TPM2_Load ECDSA Key Handle 0x80000004
TPM2_Sign: ECC S 32, R 32
TPM2_VerifySignature: Tag 32802
TPM2_Create: New ECDH Key: pub 88, priv 126
TPM2_Load ECDH Key Handle 0x80000004
TPM2_ECDH_KeyGen: zPt 68, pubPt 68
TPM2_ECDH_ZGen: zPt 68
TPM2 ECC Shared Secret Pass
TPM2_Create: New RSA Key: pub 278, priv 222
TPM2_Load RSA Key Handle 0x80000004
TPM2_RSA_Encrypt: 256
TPM2_RSA_Decrypt: 68
RSA Encrypt/Decrypt test passed
TPM2_NV_DefineSpace: 0x1bfffff
TPM2_NV_ReadPublic: Sz 14, Idx 0x1bfffff, nameAlg 11, Attr 0x2020002, authPol 0, dataSz 32, name 34
Create AES128 CFB Key success, public 50, Private 142
TPM2_Load New AES Key Handle 0x80000004
Encrypt/Decrypt test success
TPM2 CSR Example
Generated/Signed Cert (DER 860, PEM 1236)
Generated/Signed Cert (DER 467, PEM 704)
TPM2 PKCS7 Example
PKCS7 Signed Container 1625
PKCS7 Container Verified (using TPM)
PKCS7 Container Verified (using software)
The wolfSSL TLS client requires loading a public key to indicate mutual authentication is used. The crypto callback uses the TPM for the private key signing.
TPM2 TLS Client Example
Write (29): GET /index.html HTTP/1.0
Read (193): HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: close
<title>Welcome to wolfSSL!</title>
<p>wolfSSL has successfully performed handshake!</p>
The wolfSSL TLS server loads the TPM public key and the crypto callback uses the TPM for the private key signing.
TPM2 TLS Server Example
Loading RSA certificate and public key
Read (29): GET /index.html HTTP/1.0
Write (193): HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: close
<title>Welcome to wolfSSL!</title>
<p>wolfSSL has successfully performed handshake!</p>
The TCG published a specification for TPM manufacture guidance on setting up keys that can be used for device identiy and attestation.
This feature has been tested with the ST33KTPM and is enabled with WOLFTPM_MFG_IDENTITY
. The ST33KTPM samples are provisioned with a default master password enabled with TEST_SAMPLE
. To define your own master password use TPM2_IAK_SAMPLE_MASTER_PASSWORD
. The master password is hashed along with the device serial number to produce authentication for accessing these keys.
The default keys are ECDSA SECP384R1 with SHA2-384 and stored in NV Index defined by TPM2_IAK_KEY_HANDLE
The TCG EK Credential Profile defines how manufacturers provision endorsement certificates in the TCG NV index range (see TPM_20_TCG_NV_SPACE).
The get_ek_certs
example shows how to retrieve those EK cerificates, validate them and create a primary EK handle for signing.
See ./examples/endorsement/get_ek_certs
- Update to v1.59 of specification (adding CertifyX509).
- Inner wrap support for SensitiveToPrivate.
- Add support for IRQ (interrupt line)
Email us at support@wolfssl.com.