- Click on the hamburger menu (three lines) icon at the top of the sidebar
- Select Terminal → Run Build Task
- After starting the build task, the terminal window will open, after the synchronisation and building of the application on the mainframe, you will get a success message (exit code:0)
- Close the terminal from it's right top corner
- Go to Zowe Explorer (Z icon in the VS Code Activity Bar)
- Hover the “zosmf” item in the DATA SET section in the sidebar and click on the magnifier icon
- Fill in the data set: CUST0xy.PUBLIC to add all data sets with this prefix to Zowe Explorer (Use your userID number instead of CUST0xy)
- Expand the CUST0xy.PUBLIC.JCL data set and right-click on the RUNDOG
- Select “Submit Job” menu item, then click "Submit" from the pop-up window
- Click on the JOB number in the pop-up message in the right bottom corner to see the JOB output (if the notification disappears, you can hit the bell icon from the bottom-right corner to see)
- Expand the “RUNDOG(JOBxxxxx)” and click on the RUN:OUTREP item to browse the program output (Repeat the 6th step if you cannot expand the job output)
- Breeds not specified in the COBOL code, fall into the OTHER section in the execution report. Now, your task is to add one more breed to the program to result in printing it in this report
Navigate back to the File Explorer Tab to see the local files Open the DOGGOS → COBOL → DOGGOS.CBL file Add a new dog breed by following:
- Copy block of code (lines 59-61) (You can use CTRL+G to jump into the given line number)
- Paste it after line 61
- Change JINGO to another dog breed name (e. g. HUSKY) in the whole pasted block of code
- For OTHER-INDEX-VALUE change VALUE to 10
- Change PIC 9(1) to PIC 9(2) for OTHER-INDEX-VALUE
- Change OCCURS value in line 71 to 10
- Copy block of code (lines 208-210)
- Paste it after line 210
- Change JINGO to the dog breed name you picked in step 3 (e. g.HUSKY) within the pasted block of code
- Copy block of code (lines 139-142)
- Paste it after line 143
- Change JINGO to the dog breed name you picked in step 3 (e.g. HUSKY) within the pasted block of code
- Use CTRL+S (or COMMAND+S) to save the changes
(Building the application can be done by either following the initial build steps above just like following Hamburger Menu → Terminal → Run Build Task
OR by following the Command Line Instructions below):
- Click on the hamburger menu (three lines) icon at the top of the sidebar
- Select Terminal → New Terminal
- Make sure the command line starts with:
- Issue the following command to build and deploy the application to a data set:
syncz -c "bldz"
and hit Enter key (Click “Allow or Paste” if you see the pop-up window asking about copying and pasting permissions)
- Go to Zowe Explorer (Z icon in the VS Code Activity Bar)
- Hover the “zosmf” item in the DATA SET section in the sidebar and click on the magnifier icon.
- Click on the CUST0xy.PUBLIC.INPUT data set to edit it
- Add the following lines with the name of the dog breed you chose in the code change
- Use CTRL+S (or COMMAND+S) to save the changes
- Expand the CUST0xy.PUBLIC.JCL data set and right-click on the RUNDOG
- Select the “Submit Job” menu item, then click "Submit" from the pop-up window
- Click on the JOB number in the pop-up message in the right bottom corner to see the JOB output (if the notification disappears, you can hit the bell icon from the bottom-right corner to see)
- Expand the “RUNDOG(JOBxxxxx)” and click on the RUN:OUTREP item to browse the program output (Repeat the 8th step if you cannot expand the job output)
The new dog breed “HUSKY” is listed and the counter reports 11 adopted HUSKY dogs.
- Let’s introduce a bug in the program data 🙂 Go to the input file and change the breed from “JINGO” to “JINGA”
- Use CTRL+S (or COMMAND+S) to save the changes
- Rerun the application by repeating the steps in the previous section (from the 6th step)
- Open the output file and see that the report is wrong, it now contains 0 for JINGO and 6 for the OTHER
- Let’s debug the program
- Go to debugger extension by clicking the play icon with a bug
- We already have the debugging session preconfigured for DOGGOS app. Make sure you are using the first configuration (non-endevor)
- Click the play button to start the debugging
- You will be asked for your Mainframe password. It is the same as your mainframe userID. Now the debugger will fetch the extended source and start the session.
- Now where to put a breakpoint?
- The report for JINGO breed was wrong, so let’s put a breakpoint where the value is updated. Let’s find the first place in the code by searching for JINGO with Ctrl+F (CMD+F on Mac).
- We can see that processing for JINGO breed is handled by these variables.
- Let’s find all instances where JINGO-BREED-NAME by right-clicking on it, and selecting Peek → Peek references. Go through the references to find where the amount is updated. It will be here around line 238 in extended source:
- Double-click on the 238 line in the editor window to move there.
- Now let’s add a breakpoint after this condition to see if we get there. Click on the left area on line 239. The red dot will appear
- The value for OTHER breeds was wrong in the repo. Let’s put there a breakpoint as well That would be on line 245
- We now have 2 breakpoints (you can see them in breakpoints section in the bottom left corner):
- Now let’s continue the execution by clicking the play button on the left of the debug toolbar (or F5):
- We can see that while looping through the breeds the debugger skipped the breakpoint on line 239 and stopped at line 245
- Let’s check the variables. Click on the INP-ADOPTED-AMOUNT variable, right-click, and “Add to watch”
- Do the same for the INP-DOG-BREED variable on line 216 to understand which breed we are analyzing
- You can see in your watch section the value of the variables (BTW, a quick way is just to hover over a variable name in your extended source and the value will pop up)
- As you can see we have encountered a wrong breed name “JINGA”, which means that our input file is corrupted! We also never entered a section for the JINGO breed, which means we never actually encountered this breed while parsing.
- Now we found our problem - wrong breed in the input file :)
- Stop the debug session by clicking the stop icon from the debugging toolbar.
- Navigate to the following folder: …………
- Expand the src/ folder and you will see two COBOL source files, which we will build as a part of this scenario
- Locate the BUILDZ.js file in the /root and double-click to edit it
- Uncomment the first two lines, that initialize the compile and binder variables.
- Uncomment the third line to compile the source code in the /src folder which creates an object module (syncz.yml file automatically downloads the object modules to the /build-out folder
- Run the
syncz -a “src::bldz
command to run the compilation enabled by uncommenting the line in the previous step - Uncomment the fourth line to bind the object modules created in the previous steps, which automatically creates a load module and downloads it to the /build-out folder
- Run the
“syncz -a “src::bldz”
command to run the bind enabled by uncommenting the line in the previous step
This project demonstrates how to build and test a primitive Node.js server and then deploy and run it on the mainframe using Zowe CLI.
To use this scenario switch to gse-nodejs
folder by clicking menu button in top left corner and picking “File” → “Open Folder…” → /home/developer/gse-nodejs
You can continue reading the same text in gse-nodejs/README.MD
To open the terminal window use the menu in the top left corner → “Terminal” → “New Terminal”
Before getting started, ensure you have the following prerequisites:
Zowe CLI is installed and the profile is configured. This part should be done already, if not, we will need to manually install Zowe CLI and run
scripts/configure-zowe-cli.sh <user-id>
to configure the local profile. -
Node.js is installed on zDNT and is accessible in PATH, at the moment it is not included in the PATH, so we should create a basic
for the user by runningscripts/configure-remote-profile.sh <your-user-id>
This demo describes the automation case, so all the tasks can be done by running one command:
npm run start
Automation in detail is represented by a set of scripts under scripts/*
For testing purposes or to try the Node JS server locally, use these commands:
npm install
npm run test
npm run start-dev
After the server files are built locally the automation script packs server source code with dependencies to the server.tar and then sends it to the user's home directory on the mainframe using Zowe CLI.
echo ">>>>>> upload.sh: update server location in run script"
sed "s|TARGET_DIR|$TARGET_DIR|g" "$LOCAL_DIR/scripts/templates/run-template.sh" > "$LOCAL_DIR/src/run.sh"
echo ">>>>>> upload.sh: create a tar archive"
tar -cf server.tar src node_modules public package.json package-lock.json
echo ">>>>>> upload.sh: upload the archive to ${TARGET_DIR}/server.tar"
zowe uss iss ssh "rm -r ${TARGET_DIR} 2>/dev/null"
zowe uss iss ssh "mkdir ${TARGET_DIR}"
zowe files ul ftu -b "server.tar" "${TARGET_DIR}/server.tar"
echo ">>>>>> upload.sh: extract and remove ${TARGET_DIR}/server.tar"
zowe uss iss ssh "tar -xf server.tar 2>/dev/null" --cwd $TARGET_DIR
zowe uss iss ssh "rm server.tar 2>/dev/null" --cwd $TARGET_DIR
echo ">>>>>> upload.sh: update files permissions"
zowe uss iss ssh "chown -R $USER_ID ./ 2>/dev/null" --cwd $TARGET_DIR
zowe uss iss ssh "chtag -tRc ISO8859-1 ./ 2>/dev/null" --cwd $TARGET_DIR
zowe uss iss ssh "chmod +x ./src/run.sh 2>/dev/null" --cwd $TARGET_DIR
As a result /u/users/<user-id>/server
folder is created in USS.
Then we define a job to start the server, upload it to the dataset, submit it, and wait for the output.
echo ">>>>>> start-server.sh: create sequential data set for job"
zowe zos-files create data-set-sequential $HLQ.NJSERVER
sed "s|TARGET_DIR|$TARGET_DIR|g" "$LOCAL_DIR/scripts/templates/job-template.txt" > "$LOCAL_DIR/scripts/job.txt"
echo ">>>>>> start-server.sh: upload job to the data set"
zowe files upload file-to-data-set "$LOCAL_DIR/scripts/job.txt" "$HLQ.NJSERVER"
echo ">>>>>> start-server.sh: submit job to run the server"
zowe jobs submit data-set "$HLQ.NJSERVER" --vasc > ./output.txt
zowe files delete data-set "$HLQ.NJSERVER" -f
In this step, we create <user-id>.NJSERVER
data set containing job to start the server and submit it.
For the demo purposes server will run for 60 seconds and stop automatically, then delete the dataset.
While the server is running, we can check it is up by running the cURL command
curl --head
This demo scenario shows how to use a combination of NodeJS, bash, and Zowe CLI commands to provision the lifecycle of a simple Node JS server and can be used as a startup or reference point for creating a development pipeline.
For more information on Zowe CLI and its capabilities, refer to the official Zowe documentation: Zowe CLI Documentation