- Supports https by using github.io ssl. Composer default configuration only accepts https by default starting from 2016.
- Automatically creates composer packages for WordPress translations from api.wordpress.org.
- This repo provides custom satis repository for WordPress languages. See more in wp-languages.github.io.
- To add more language files please submit a pull request to the
branch. - Repos are updated hourly with GitHub Actions.
This example adds all translations from finnish and french packages.
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://wp-languages.github.io",
"only": [
"require": {
"koodimonni-language/fi": "*",
"koodimonni-language/fr_fr": "*"
"extra": {
"dropin-paths": {
"htdocs/wp-content/languages/": [
"htdocs/wp-content/languages/plugins/": [
"htdocs/wp-content/languages/themes/": [
If package what you're looking for can't be found look first the response from api:
If your language is not listed in the response we can't help you. You'll need to ask from wp-core translators instead.
This is pretty static repository, and we can't add all possible plugins here.
There's also manual method of including any translation in WordPress.org. This is useful because we can't include all plugins in this repository. Let's look how to add french (fr_FR) jetpack translations. First search the api for jetpack translations:
$ curl -s 'https://api.wordpress.org/translations/plugins/1.0/?slug=jetpack' | python -m json.tool
Choose your language zip from json output for example for us it was: https://downloads.wordpress.org/translation/plugin/jetpack/3.9.2/fr_FR.zip
Then add it to your composer like this example. You just need to update the version number everytime the package updates.
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "koodimonni-plugin-language/jetpack-fr_fr",
"type": "wordpress-language",
"version": "3.9.2",
"dist": {
"type": "zip",
"url": "https://downloads.wordpress.org/translation/plugin/jetpack/3.9.2/fr_FR.zip",
"reference": "master"
"require": {
"koodimonni/composer-dropin-installer": "*",
"koodimonni-plugin-language/jetpack-fr_fr": ">=3.9.2"
"extra": {
"dropin-paths": {
"htdocs/wp-content/languages/": [
"htdocs/wp-content/languages/plugins/": [
"htdocs/wp-content/languages/themes/": [
# Clone the project to your own server
git clone https://github.com/wp-languages/wp-languages.github.io /to/your/htdocs
cd /to/your/htdocs
composer install
# Set new cronjob
crontab -e
# Add following line to your cron
0 */2 * * * cd /to/your/htdocs && composer run-script cache-build
And serve the generated docs
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