Set of binaries for working with Steam Workshop and some game formats. The goal is to provide composable binaries with few dependencies that are easy to run in e.g. CI environments.
Included are
for downloading and inspecting workshop items- Utilizes Steamworks, so Steam must be running for this one.
for working with Garry's Mod Addon filesmdl
for working with Source Engine model (.mdl) filesvtf
for working with Valve Texture Format (.vtf) filesbsp
for working with Source BSP map (.bsp) files
# print metadata about workshop
workshop info 1512211167
# download workshop file to a file
workshop get 1512211167 > file.gma
# download + list file entries inside .gma
workshop get 1512211167 | gma list -
# download + unpack files inside .gma to folder "out" in working dir
workshop get 1512211167 | gma unpack - out
# unpack files matching given filter from .gma in working dir
# UNIMPLEMENTED: gma unpack myaddon.gma out "**.mdl"
# download + print contents of all files matching pattern
workshop get 1512211167 | gma cat - "**.lua"
# Get item, unpack to folder, update a file, repackage as gma, update to workshop
workshop get 2137434632 | gma unpack - out && echo `date` > out/date.txt && gma pack out | workshop update 2137434632 -
# Fetch+Unpack workshop item, copy given .mdl and its dependencies (materials+textures) to another folder
workshop get 1512211167 | gma unpack - tiger && mdl cp tiger/models/kaesar/hobbs/hobbs.mdl my-content
# Extract entity lump from a file
bsp extract-entity-lump bowling.bsp bowling_final.bsp
Grab a binary for your OS from the latest release:
If you're in CI environment, you can use this URL for the binary:
For example:
curl -L > bsp
chmod +x bsp
# Search for cubemap textures in map Pakfile
./bsp ls-pak mymap.bsp | grep -E "c\-?[0-9]+_\-?[0-9]+_\-?[0-9]+\.vtf"
Compile with Steamworks SDK, e.g. STEAM_SDK_LOCATION=~/Downloads/steam_sdk cargo build
You can test locally with cargo run --bin workshop -- get 1512211167 | cargo run --bin gma -- list
For general use you'll probably want to install the binaries and place them on PATH. For that you can use STEAM_SDK_LOCATION=~/Downloads/steam_sdk cargo install --path .
If you get a fun error (like dyld: Library not loaded: @loader_path/libsteam_api.dylib
on OS X), try moving the dynamic library file (dylib,so,dll) from steam_sdk/redistributable_bin/<os>/
to where the binaries were installed to.
If you run any of the workshop commands without a game running in the background, Steam will not be able to figure out the app_id and the binary will crash.
You can fix that by creating steam_appid.txt
in the working directory or SteamAppId
environment variable with the app id.
The workshop
binary provides -a <id>
option to temporarily create the file with given id,
and it'll also try its best to clean up the file before the command finishes.
- Entity lump extraction is inspired by
- VTF code adapted from and