- The current version supports Linux/windows/MacOS(beta), but the source code structure has changed.
- During use, people should stay away from the robot arm to avoid accidental injury or damage to other items by the robot arm.
- Protect the arm before use.
- Before you exercise, please make sure you don't encounter obstacles.
- Protect the arm before unlocking the motor.
- Fix the 503 interface protocol identification error issue
- Added sync parameters to some gpio interfaces to support immediate execution (requires firmware 2.4.101 or above)
- Added XArmAPIWrapper to C# calls to support simultaneous control of multiple robotic arms
- Added new interface to support obtaining some error information
- Compatible with the standard Modbus TCP protocol, providing part of the standard Modbus TCP protocol interface
- Support partial Task feedback (requires firmware version greater than or equal to v2.1.0)
- Correct the ambiguity that the
interface is true when both relative and is_tool_coord are true. After the correction, when is_tool_coord is true, relative is invalid (previously is_tool_coord was invalid when relative was true)
- Correct the ambiguity that the
- Optimization pause time is too long (wait=true)
- Add common motion api (Enabled after firmware version 1.11.100)
- The Cartesian motion-related interface adds the motion_type parameter to determine the planning method (Enabled after firmware version 1.11.100)
Get the code:
git clone https://github.com/xArm-Developer/xArm-CPLUS-SDK.git
Change directory
cd ./xArm-CPLUS-SDK/
Build library:
make xarm
Build all example
make test
Build a example
make test-0002-get_property # build example/test-0002-get_property.cc
Build all (build library and build all example)
make clean make # make xarm && make test
sudo make install
sudo make uninstall
Run a example
Running environment
It is recommended to run the project with visual studio 2015.Make sure your visual studio 2015 has a visual C++ development environment installed before running.
Get the code:
git clone https://github.com/xArm-Developer/xArm-CPLUS-SDK.git
Change directory
Change your directory xArm-CPLUS-SDK/visual_studio
Open project
If you changed your directory, you can see a visual_studio.sln file. Click this file you will open the project.
Check the xarm project properties
Open the xarm property pages and make sure your project configuration is the same as the following screenshot configuration. VC++ Directories path $(ProjectDir)..\..\include $(ProjectDir)..\..\src
Check the example project properties
Open the example property pages and make sure your project configuration is the same as the following screenshot configuration. Example project dependencies and xarm projects so references must be added to run.
Build project
Right click example project and build the projiect.If the example project bulid successful you will get a .exe file in you project path. .exe path like this C:\Users\ufactory\Desktop\xArm-CPLUS-SDK\visual_studio\x64\Debug\0002-get_property.exe
Run project
You can use cmd run project.
New project
If you want to create a new project, you need to pay attention to the dependent path of your new project. You must make sure that the configuration of the project you create is the same as that of the example project.