This is a fork of the original profile-sync-daemon by graysky2. The only modification I have made allows user-defined browsers in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/psd
and is also described in Pull Request #271.
You can install new browser definitions or overrides to existing configurations (e.g. for configurations not supported by the official versions) in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/psd/browsers
. For examples of browser configurations look at the definitions in the common/browsers
directory which contains all official browser definitions provided by graysky2 in the original version of this.
For other operating systems see the included INSTALL text document (unchanged compared to graysky2's version).
Profile-sync-daemon (psd) is a tiny pseudo-daemon designed to manage your browser's profile in tmpfs and to periodically sync it back to your physical disc (HDD/SSD). This is accomplished via a symlinking step and an innovative use of rsync to maintain back-up and synchronization between the two. One of the major design goals of psd is a completely transparent user experience.
Always backup your browser profile(s) before using psd for the first time.
User of eCryptFS are encouraged not to use psd unless willing to help troubleshoot suspected browser corruption. See #158.
- Chromium
- Conkeror
- Epiphany
- Firefox (stable, beta, and aurora)
- Firefox-trunk (this is an Ubuntu-only browser:
- Google Chrome (stable, beta, and dev)
- Heftig's version of Aurora (this is an Arch Linux-only browser:
- Icecat (GNU version of Firefox)
- Iceweasel (Debian version of Firefox)
- Inox (
- Luakit
- Midori
- Opera, Opera-Beta, Opera-Developer, and Opera-Legacy
- Otter-browser
- Palemoon
- QupZilla
- Qutebrowser
- Rekonq
- Seamonkey
- Surf (
- Vivaldi-browser and Vivaldi-browser-snapshot
Consult the man page or the wiki page:
To build from source, see the included INSTALL text document.
Arch: in the community repo.
Debian jesse+: in the official repos.
Exherbo: in the official repos.
Gentoo: in the official repos.
Ubuntu 16.10+: in the universe repo.
Fedora: in the official repos.
Chakra: in the CCR.
Slackware: on slackbuilds.
If you are interested in packaging psd for your favorite distro, please contact me.