A sample for restx.io featuring jongo integration, security best practices, spec tests, validation, ...
Source code should be pretty easy to read, check out the src/main/java directory.
Pre requisites:
- Java 7
- Git (or download via zip)
- Restx shell with core plugin installed
Here is the most simple way to try this app:
git clone git@github.com:xhanin/rxinvoice.git && cd rxinvoice && restx deps install + app run
If you downloaded an unzipped the sources:
restx deps install + app run
When dependencies are already installed:
restx app run
Production mode:
restx app run --mode=prod --quiet
open http://localhost:8080/api/@/ui/api-docs/#/
and play with REST endpoints.
Test & Packaging with Easyant:
easyant test package
Test & Packaging with Maven:
mvn package
Simply import as Maven project.
With IntellJ command line installed, you can just do idea pom.xml
from the command line.
Check restx IDE support doc for details.