Recruit developers to build the kv database engine NutsDB together 招募开发者一起共建开源的KV数据库引擎NutsDB,有想法联系我。(wechat:xujiajun1234567,备注:nutsdb)
Project address:
Hope to build nutsdb together(希望共建nutsdb):nutsdb/nutsdb#116
Recruit developers to build the kv database engine NutsDB together 招募开发者一起共建开源的KV数据库引擎NutsDB,有想法联系我。(wechat:xujiajun1234567,备注:nutsdb)
Project address:
Hope to build nutsdb together(希望共建nutsdb):nutsdb/nutsdb#116
A simple, fast, embeddable, persistent key/value store written in pure Go. It supports fully serializable transactions and many data structures such as list, set, sorted set.
A tokenizer based on the dictionary and Bigram language models for Go. (Now only support chinese segmentation)