Bypass SMS verifications from Paypal, Instagram, Snapchat, Google, 3D Secure, and many others... using a Discord Bot or the private API.
It's really simple. Imagine that your friend got a Snapchat account, you try to reset his password using the sms system :
- he's gonna receive the sms confirmation code.
Then, you use the bot (!call 33612345678 snapchat
). The bot is gonna call him, using the snapchat service, ask for the code received. If he send the code using the numpad, then your gonna receive the code and be able to reset the password. It's like an automatic system for SE.
The API requests availables & working :
with POST DATA :to: theClientPhoneNumber
user: theUser
service: theUsedService
name: theNameOfTheUser
password: yourApiPassword
with POST DATA :callSid: theCallSid
password: yourApiPassword
with GET DATA :service: theServiceNameYouWannaUse
with POST DATA :password: yourApiPassword
callSid: theCallSid
Digits: theDigitsEnteredByTheUSer
(not required)
All the Admin commands :
!user add @user
: allow someone to use the bot & the calls!user delete @user
: remove someone or an admin from the bot!user info @user
: get infos from a user!user setadmin @user
: set a user to admin
All the Users commands :
!secret yoursecretpassword @user
: set a user to admin without been admin!call phonenumber service
or for example!call 33612345678 paypal
: call the phonenumber using the bot and get the sms code
The differents call services supported :
Default : work for all the systems
Banque : bypass 3D Secure
- When you do a
!call 3312345678 paypal
, the Discord Bot sends a post request to our private api, who is gonna save the call into our sqlite DB and send the call to our twilio API. - The Twilio API use our
route to know what to do in the call, the status route returns TwiML code to Twilio. - The
route returns the self hosted service song using the/stream/service route
. - If the user enter the digit code using the numpad, the song stops, it thanks him for the code, and end the call.
- The
route send the code to your discord channel using a webhook.
- Node.js & NPM from the last version.
- git installed (not necessarily)
- Open ports
- A twilio account
- A discord account (if you use the bot)
Download the API Files from the github
git clone
Go to our API folder
cd /SMSBotBypass/api/
Install the dependencies
npm i
Start the api, wait 15s, and then, stop it
npm start
Modify the config.js file
- Add your twilio AccountSid & AuthToken
- Your twilio caller id
- Your actual IP to run the web server
Open the port 1337
To check if everything works fine, I did a full test system. If your Twilio account is not upgrade, before the test, go to the /test/call.js file and modify the phone number line 122 with your phone numer.
npm test
Your private API now works ! If your api is not working, upgrade your Twilio account and try again.
Be carefull, you also need to change the TTS Language, go to and change the TTS Language from English to French with the Lea voice.
Take your API Password from you config.js file in your api folder we are gonna use it
cd ../bots/discord
Modify the config.js file
- Add API Url & Api Password
- Your discord bot token
- Your actual IP to run the web server
- Change the secret password
Create two discord roles, one "Admin" with Administrator permissions, and the other one "Bot User" with any permission.
Add the bot to the discord server
Initialize the discord bot
npm i
You can now start the discord bot
node bot.js
You can get all the informations neeeded on discord doing !help
This code is only a POC code, do not use it illegally. You could been arrested to use badly this code. Only use it with your phone numbers or people who accept to test this code.
Feel free to contribute to this project by fork and pull request this repo!