This plugin adds autocompletion for Magento 2 CLI Sub Commands and their Options.
user@host:~$ bin/magento[TAB][TAB]
admin:user:create info:dependencies:show-modules-circular
admin:user:unlock info:language:list
bash:completion:generate info:timezone:list
user@host:~$ bin/magento setup:install --[TAB][TAB]
--admin-email --db-password
--admin-firstname --db-prefix
--admin-lastname --db-user
To use magento2 bash completion you should have installed Bash Completion. If you don't have installed bash-completion follow guides:
New completion commands may be placed inside the directory /etc/bash_completion.d or inside /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/magento2-bash-completion on MacOSX.
curl -o /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/magento2-bash-completion
sudo curl -o /etc/bash_completion.d/magento2-bash-completion
Don't forget reload shell or you can load new complition by next command: user@host:~$ . /etc/bash_completion.d/magento2-bash-completion
Magento2 Bash Completion Extension allows you generate your own bash completion list. It collects all available commands and generates a bash completion.
You can install the extension by the composer
composer require yvoronoy/magento2-bash-completion