By looking at the UN sustainable development goals for reducing HUNGER, reducing POVERTY, and focusing on RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION & PRODUCTION.Our app is a platform that will facilitate the local farmers to monitor their cultivation, examine the weather and check the health of their crops all at one place.
As a part of the ASDI Hackathon, we the team of Asaan4Kissan have come up with a sustainable solution for the farmers. The UN's sustainable development goal of good health and well being and also of responsible consumption and production is something that we are trying to accomplish through our project. Our app has features that would comply with the final aim of the sustainable data initiative and minimize the cost and time required to acquire and analyze large sustainability datasets.
Our app is a platform that will facilitate the local farmers to monitor their cultivation, examine the weather and check the health of their crops all at one place.
Functionality of the app:
- Weather forecast
- CropCam - your crop doctor
- CropVIew - Bird's eye view of your own field
- SOS- An emergency helpline
- Helps in satellite imagery of farms.
- Gives the update about the weather based on your location.
- Used for predicting the disease based on the leaf image.
- It is an emergency call feature which can be used during natural calamities or any other pandemic.
Development of the application:
Java - backend
XML - frontend
Digifarm dataset is used in order to integrate ASDI in our project.
The image classification machine learning model is used with the help of tensorflow to establish our CropCam feature.
Labels.txt (Labels)