Have you ever just wanted to run some normal commands on your search results? I bet you have and you've done something like this g/wow/normal cwlookatme!
. It kinda worked, but you couldn't really preview what you were doing and it only worked on 1 match per line.

nos.nvim makes doing normal on searches a breeze by:
- executes normal commands for multiple matches on the same line
- showing you an incremental preview
- easily allows you to use NOS as an operator
Use lazy plugin manager
lazy = false,
opts = {},
config = function()
local nos = require('nos')
-- optionally set an operator keymap
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', "v" }, 'gs', nos.opkeymapfunc, { expr = true })
-- optionally set a whole buffer keymap
vim.keymap.set({ 'n' }, 'gss', nos.bufkeymapfunc)