Quipuswap integration to buy specific tokens from any website.
Try it on https://zenkteam.github.io/freibier-buy/
To embed it in your site copy the style and script tags from https://zenkteam.github.io/freibier-buy/
There are differente elements you can display on your site:
<!-- embed the exchage form -->
<!-- embed a price chart -->
<!-- embed the current price in USD (can be used in multiple locations) -->
<div class="price-per-usd"></div>
<!-- embed the current price in XTZ (can be used in multiple locations) -->
<div class="price-per-tez"></div>
<!-- embed the token price change in the last 24 hours (can be used in multiple locations) -->
<div class="price-change-24h"></div>
Clone your new repository:
git clone git@github.com:zenkteam/freibier-buy.git
Change your current working directory to the newly cloned repository directory.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start development server:
npm run start
Open https://localhost:3000 in your browser to see a sample application.