Credits to: @chi0tzp
This code copies heavily from the original github above. Please do check it out!
This github was created as the code above did not work for me.
This applications allows for customizable multiprocessing of video frame extraction, with an optional CSV output at the end containing filepaths to all extracted frames for easier further data processing.
usage: Extract frames from videos [-h] [--single_vid SINGLE_VID | --data_dir DATA_DIR] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
[--sample_freq SAMPLE_FREQ] [--num_workers NUM_WORKERS] [--outcsv_dir OUTCSV_DIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--single_vid SINGLE_VID
set single video filename
--data_dir DATA_DIR path to source videos
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
path to output dir (default='./extracted_frames')
--sample_freq SAMPLE_FREQ
number of frames per second. Input '-1' for all possible frames (default=1)
--num_workers NUM_WORKERS
number of workers for multiprocessing (default=0)
--outcsv_dir OUTCSV_DIR
directory to save csv. Saved at {input}/extracted_frames.csv (default=None)
python --single_vid test/abcde.mp4 --output_dir "./frames" --sample_freq 0.3 --outcsv_dir "./"
Extracted frames for the above example will be stored under as follows:
└── abcde
├── abcde_0.p
├── abcde_1.png
├── ...
└── abcde_2.png
Output CSV for the above example will be as follows
filepath | vid_name | frame_num | |
0 | extracted_frames\abcde\abcde_0.png | abcde | 0 |
1 | extracted_frames\abcde\abcde_1.png | abcde | 1 |
2 | extracted_frames\abcde\abcde_2.png | abcde | 2 |
3 | extracted_frames\abcde\abcde_3.png | abcde | 3 |
... |
python --data_dir "./videos" --sample_freq 2 --num_workers 4 --outcsv_dir "./"
Once again,
Credits to: @chi0tzp