This repository contains projects where LittlevGL is configures for a development board or microcontroller.
Contributing is very welcome! Plaase, share with others if you used LittlevGL with a new board or MCU.
- Clone the repository somewhere:
git clone
- Step into the repository:
cd lv_boards
- Initalize the submodules:
git submodule update --init
- Copy/Paste a project where you want to use it (e.g. IDE workspace)
LittlevGL as an Arduino library. Copy arduino_library/littelvgl to your library folder Check the lvlgl_test sketch to see the proting and usage
Cheap development board with 240x320 TFT, Resistive touch pad, 180 MHz MCU with 256kB RAM + 64 MBit SDRAM and GPU. The CubeMX drivers are used to initilaize the peripheries. In hal_stm_lvgl/tft/tft.h you can enable/disable external frame buffer placement and GPU usage.
Directly use Linux fame buffer (e.g. /dev/fb0) as frame buffer. Demonstrates the usage winth embedded Linux systems. The project is created in Eclipse CDT. Learn more here: LittlevGL Blog Post