Cross-platform background notifications for long running commands! Supports OSX and Ubuntu linux.
Forked from Tim O'Brien's awesome zsh-background-notify and slightly modified for Bash.
- Install Bash-Preexec following the instructions on
- Clone the repository:
git clone ~/.bash-bgnotify
- And add one line your
source $HOME/.bash-bgnotify/bgnotify.plugin.bash
- Done!
- On OS X you'll need terminal-notifer
brew install terminal-notifier
(orgem install terminal-notifier
- On ubuntu you're already all set!
- On windows you can use notifu or the Cygwin Ports
One can configure a few things:
sets the notification threshold time (default 6 seconds)function notify_formatted
lets you change the notification
Use these by adding a function definition before the your call to source. Example:
bgnotify_threshold=4 ## set your own notification threshold
function notify_formatted {
## $1=exit_status, $2=command, $3=elapsed_time
[ $1 -eq 0 ] && title="Holy Smokes Batman!" || title="Holy Graf Zeppelin!"
bgnotify "$title -- after $3 s" "$2";
source $HOME/.bash-bgnotify/bgnotify.plugin.bash
Bash-Preexec provides two hook functions for Bash in the style of Zsh: preexec
that runs before executing a command and precmd
that runs just before re-prompting. Timing the difference between them gives you execution time!
To check if you're in the background we can use xprop to find the NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW in ubuntu and osascript to run a simple apple script to get the same thing (although slower).