This is the CGIntrinsics implementation described in the paper "CGIntrinsics: Better Intrinsic Image Decomposition through Physically-Based Rendering, Z. Li and N. Snavely, ECCV 2018" .
The code skeleton is based on "" and "". If you use our code for academic purposes, please consider citing:
title={CGIntrinsics: Better Intrinsic Image Decomposition through Physically-Based Rendering},
author={Zhengqi Li and Noah Snavely},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
- The code was written in Pytorch 0.2 and Python 2, but it should be easy to adapt it to Python 3 version and Pytorch 0.3/0.4 if needed.
Download the CGIntrinsics dataset (intrinsics_final) from our website:
Download IIW densely connected pair-wise juedgement we precomputed in our website ( and original images and data in original IIW link (
Download SAW list in our website ( and original data in original SAW website (
create a directory in your machine called CGIntrinsics
In CGIntrinsics, you should have 3 folders (1) intrinsics_final (2) IIW (3) SAW. You should put original IIW png and json you download from in CGIntrinsics/IIW/data/, and you should put original data you download from in folders "CGIntrinsics/SAW/saw_images_512" and "CGIntrinsics/SAW/saw_pixel_labels" from original SAW dataset/
In file, you should root and and full_root variable to your root directory for putting CGIntrinsics folder.
In options/, you should change --gpu_ids to fit your machine GPUs.
Change to "self.isTrain = True" in python file "/options/" and run:
Since it seems that some people have difficulty running evaluation, we provide precomputed predictions on IIW test set and SAW test set.
- You need to download precomputed predictions for IIW test set in hdf5 format in
- To get evalution results on IIW test set, download IIW dataset and run
(you might need to change judgement_path in this python script to fit to your IIW data path)
- You need to download precomputed predictions for SAW test set in hdf5 format in
- To get evalution results on SAW test set, download SAW dataset and run
You need modify 'full_root' in this script and to point to the SAW directory you download. To evlaute on unweighted AP% described in the paper, set 'mode = 0' in and to evaluate on weighted (chanllenging) AP% described in the paper, set 'mode=1' in
Download SAW list in our website ( and original data in original SAW website (
Download pretrained model from and put it in "checkpoints/test_local/cgintrinsics_iiw_saw_final_net_G.pth"
Change to "self.isTrain = False" in python file "/options/"
In CGIntrinsics, you should have at least 2 folders (1) IIW (2) SAW. You should put original IIW png and json you download from in CGIntrinsics/IIW/data/, and you should put original corresponding folders you download from in folders "CGIntrinsics/SAW/saw_images_512" and "CGIntrinsics/SAW/saw_pixel_labels".
Change to "self.isTrain = False" in python file "/options/"
To run evaluation on SAW test split, change the path variable "root" and "full_root" and run:
Note that we only compute AP% (challenge) descirbed in the paper. If you want to compute original AP%, please refer to