NOTE: maybe this is the last version of asciimath-js, to use a modern parser with full test suite and better development experience, we recommend asciimath-parser.
Convert asciimath markup to LaTeX & MathML.
Forked from asciimath/asciimathml.
- reference:
- original homepage:
am2tex(str, displaystyle=AM.displaystyle)
: convert asciimath string to tex stringam2mathml(str)
: convert asciimath to mathmlrender(element)
: render math to HTML elementinit()
: incase AM didn't init, call it manually
const { am2tex } = require('asciimath-js')
// \displaystyle {\left[\begin{matrix} a& b\\ c& d\\\end{matrix}\right]}
You may need to include katex in you project if the browser don't support MathML. Currently MathML feature is only available in firefox and safari.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>test asciimath</title>
Here's some math: `x = (-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a)`.
// the configuration is optional and can be omitted
var asciimath = {
env: undefined, // default to browser
katexpath: 'katex.min.js',// use katex as fallback if no MathML.
katex: undefined, // true=always, false=never, undefined=auto
delim1: '`', // asciimath delimiter character 1
displaystyle: true, // put limits above and below large operators
viewsource: false, // show asciimath source code on mouse hover
fontsize: undefined, // change to e.g. '1.2em' for larger fontsize
fontfamily: undefined,// inherit
color: undefined, // inherit
define: [], // preprocess substitutions
symbols: [], // symbols recognized by asciimath parser
texstr: '', // last return value of am2tex
// this function is called when asciimath is ready
onload: () => asciimath.render(document.body),
<script src="node_modules/asciimath-js/asciimath.js"></script>
Alternatively, you may use am2tex
to convert asciimath notation to tex:
<script src="asciimath.js"></script>
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
const tex = window.asciimath.am2tex('[1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]')
取定 `|a| < 1` 时, 函数
w = varphi_a(z) = (a - z)/(1 - bar a z)
将单位圆盘 `B(0, 1)` 映到自身的子集中.
上式解得 `z = (a-w)/(1 - bar a w)`, 这说明 `varphi_a` 是自身的反函数.
既然可以反解出 `z`, 这说明 `varphi_a` 是单射;
另一方面, 对任意 `w in B(0, 1)`, 可以找到原像 `z in B(0, 1)`,
说明它是满射. 总之 `varphi_a` 是 `B(0, 1)` 到自身的双射.
特别地, `varphi_a(0) = a`, `varphi_a(a) = 0`.
又, `varphi_a` 将单位圆周映到单位圆周.
下文将提到, `D` 上全纯的双射称为 `D` 上的全纯自同构, 它们的集合记为
Try the following command:
$ npm i asciimath-js && npx am2tex test
or, simply type:
$ npx asciimath-js test
取定 $\textstyle {\left| a\right|}< 1$ 时, 函数
\displaystyle w=\varphi_{a}{\left( z\right)}=\frac{a- z}{1-\overline{a} z}
将单位圆盘 $\textstyle B{\left( 0, 1\right)}$ 映到自身的子集中.
上式解得 $\textstyle z=\frac{a- w}{1-\overline{a} w}$, 这说明 $\textstyle \varphi_{a}$ 是自身的反函数.
既然可以反解出 $\textstyle z$, 这说明 $\textstyle \varphi_{a}$ 是单射;
另一方面, 对任意 $\textstyle w\in B{\left( 0, 1\right)}$, 可以找到原像 $\textstyle z\in B{\left( 0, 1\right)}$,
说明它是满射. 总之 $\textstyle \varphi_{a}$ 是 $\textstyle B{\left( 0, 1\right)}$ 到自身的双射.
特别地, $\textstyle \varphi_{a}{\left( 0\right)}= a$, $\textstyle \varphi_{a}{\left( a\right)}= 0$.
又, $\textstyle \varphi_{a}$ 将单位圆周映到单位圆周.
下文将提到, $\textstyle D$ 上全纯的双射称为 $\textstyle D$ 上的全纯自同构, 它们的集合记为
$\textstyle \text{Aut}{\left( D\right)}$.
To enable multiline alignment for asciimath, in am2tex, we convert each
to a linebreak, and wrap the formula group in LaTeX's aligned
environment; this feature is not available in am2mathml, though.
f: RR & -> S^1
x & |-> "e"^(2pi"i"x)