This is an implementation of an interior-point algorithm with a line-search method for nonlinear optimization.
This package contains several subdirectories corresponding to COIN-OR projects. The AUTHORS, LICENSE and README files in each of the subdirectories give more information about these projects. More detailed documentation can be found at and this implementation is described by the following paper:
- Wächter, A., Biegler, L. On the implementation of an interior-point filter line-search algorithm for large-scale nonlinear programming. Math. Program. 106, 25–57 (2006).
Follow the instructions to guide your installation of CoinIpopt (see also
Make sure your Linux distribution comes with the following necessary tools
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ gfortran git patch wget pkg-config
Then, prepare your installation folders
cd /home/${USER}
git clone
cd CoinIpopt
Install the debug version
mkdir Debug
./configure --with-hsl=no --enable-debug --prefix=/home/${USER}/CoinIpopt/Debug
make test
make install
make install-doxydoc
mkdir /home/${USER}/CoinIpopt/Debug/include/extra
cp /home/${USER}/CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/LinAlg/TMatrices/IpGenTMatrix.hpp /home/${USER}/CoinIpopt/Debug/include/extra/IpGenTMatrix.hpp
cp /home/${USER}/CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/LinAlg/TMatrices/IpSymTMatrix.hpp /home/${USER}/CoinIpopt/Debug/include/extra/IpSymTMatrix.hpp
If you have previously built the Debug version, then run the following command first:
make clean
Install the release version
mkdir Release
./configure --with-hsl=no --disable-shared --prefix=/home/${USER}/CoinIpopt/Release
make test
make install
make install-doxydoc
mkdir /home/${USER}/CoinIpopt/Release/include/extra
cp /home/${USER}/CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/LinAlg/TMatrices/IpGenTMatrix.hpp /home/${USER}/CoinIpopt/Release/include/extra/IpGenTMatrix.hpp
cp /home/${USER}/CoinIpopt/Ipopt/src/LinAlg/TMatrices/IpSymTMatrix.hpp /home/${USER}/CoinIpopt/Release/include/extra/IpSymTMatrix.hpp