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Developing for Theia

Andrew W. Harn edited this page Jul 30, 2024 · 2 revisions

🚨 Support for Theia has been removed in version 3 of Zowe Explorer.
These steps may be used for developing and testing Zowe Explorer version 2 in a Theia environment.

Developing for Eclipse Theia

VS Code extensions are not only limited to run inside VS Code, but the editor has become so popular that there are other editors out there now that provide a compatibility API to also consume VS Code extensions. One of the most popular ones is the Web-based Eclipse Theia. Theia is also the default editor for the container-based Eclipse Che platform as well. Hence, developing Zowe Explorer for not only VS Code, but also Theia will open the project up for an even larger community than VS Code already provides.

API compatibility

Theia strives for full compatibility of the VS Code APIs. As Theia as well as VS Code evolve the Theia team is keeping track of the status of the VS Code API implementation in Theia here:

If new issues are found the team accepts issue reports here using the tag vscode:

Trying Theia with Zowe Explorer

For development and debugging it is recommended to clone the full Theia repository, but to quickly try Theia with Zowe Explorer you can either build it locally or load the default Docker image.

Building it locally

  1. Follow the instructions here to build Theia using node and yarn with the two modifications described below. Note Selenium looks for chromedriver in the /usr/local/bin directory for MacOS instead of on the PATH.

  2. After pasting the contents for the package.json file add the following additional entries into the dependencies object:

     "@theia/plugin-dev": "next",
     "@theia/plugin-ext-vscode": "next"

As the name indicates, these will add VS Code Extension compatibility.

  1. Before you run the yarn theia start command, download Zowe Explorer's vsix file from the VS Code Marketplace using the "Download Extension" link on the right.

  2. Create a folder called plugins in the directory where you built Theia and drop the downloaded vsix file into that folder.

  3. The start Theia with this augmented command

    yarn theia start --plugins=local-dir:./plugins
  4. Now open a Web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.

Theia will load and you see the Zowe Explorer view available on the left. It is that easy.

Running a Docker container

If you are a fan of Docker you can get started much quicker than above by using the continuously publish Theia Docker images. This page provides a great overview to the available Docker images maintained by the Theia team:

As the default Theia Docker image does not include the VS Code Plugin extension either, we recommend loading the theia-full image.

  1. Make sure are not running any other Theia app anymore or change the mapped port in the command. Then run this command to download the image and start a container

    docker run -it --init -p 3000:3000 t1m0thyj/theia-alpine --plugins=local-dir:/home/theia/plugins
  2. Open a Web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.

  3. At the moment the Zowe Explorer is not included, yet. You can update the docker container by copying the extension into the container:

    docker cp dist/vscode-extension-for-zowe-X.Y.Z.vsix ${container-id}:/home/theia/plugins

    Replace ${container-id} with the actual container id and adjust for your OS.

  4. Then stop and start the container and reload your browser.

You will now see again the Zowe Explorer views. To install more into the container go back to the container root shell. For example, you could install the Zowe CLI now as well.

Setting up a development environment

If you want to develop and test Zowe Explorer to work with Theia it is recommended to set-up a full Theia development workspace to be able to run debug session out of that workspace as well as be able to fully explore Theia code and set break points if needed.

Setting up your Theia workspace

The Theia development team provides a very detailed document on how to set up your workspace. In particular it lists all the dependencies required on your development machine, which differ quite a bit depending on the OS you are working on.

Go here to find the main Theia Developer Guide:

The main prerequisites are Node v10 and Yarn that can easily be installed on Macs using Brew. On a Windows PC you need a couple more dependencies such as the Windows Build Tools. The guide proposes to install the Windows package manager Choco and to then use that for installation of dependencies.

Once set-up, the steps for building are basically to clone the repo and run yarn to build everything. If the build process aborts with errors then check for these in the various Troubleshoot sections of the Theia development guide for fixes.

Then, just running Theia with Zowe Explorer would be following these steps:

  • Create a plugins folder in the top-level Theia folder you cloned.
  • Copy the Zowe Explorer vsix file into that plugins folder.
  • cd examples/browser
  • yarn start
  • Open a Web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.

Setting up a debug session for Zowe Explorer in Theia

By just running Zowe Explorer as a vsix file in Theia you can test functionality and find issues. However, you also want to be able to link Zowe Explorer directly from your Theia installation so that you can set break points and see changes that you make for testing them immediately. For that you would actually not copy vsix files into the plugins folder, but link in the extension at runtime. (Hence, remove it from the plugins directory now if you did the steps of the previous section.)

For the following steps we assume that you have cloned the Zowe Explorer's Github repo into a parallel directory to Theia and have it all setup, built and can run it from the workspace. We also assume that you have them both (Theia and Zowe Explorer) open in two separate VS Code windows and can switch back and forth between them. If you do not plan to set break points in Theia itself, just Zowe Explorer then you can just use a command shell for building and starting Theia.

  1. Run Theia in the browser by using the command line to navigate to the Theia folder, and then run the following commands:

    yarn \
    && yarn download:plugins \
    && yarn browser build \
    && yarn browser start
  2. Open the Theia browser instance by entering localhost:3000 in your preferred browser.

  3. Inside of Theia in the browser, open the Zowe Explorer repository.

  4. Make sure Zowe Explorer is fully built with yarn.

  5. Run the extension development host with the specific launch configuration named Run Zowe Explorer VS Code Extension (Theia) and press the play button.

  6. If a new tab with the extension development host is not opened automatically, open a new tab and go to localhost:3030.

  7. Once the extension development host is displayed, an error message will appear on the bottom left corner that mentions activation of the extension failing. Close the extension development host after this error has popped up.

  8. Press the stop button located in the same place where the extension development host was launched. It should be a red square icon to stop the extension development host.

  9. Load the extension development host once more by pressing the play button.

  10. If the extension development host is not opened automatically, repeat step 5.

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