This NIF complements Erlang with a fast and optimized way of encoding and decoding bulk Base64 data. Compliant with RFC4648 - The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings.
Erlang is not well suited for fast sequential processing (s.a. Type B in
The NIF is well behaved and won't block the Erlang scheduler. It also doesn't need a dirty scheduler by breaking large amounts of data into chunks to limit the processing time to short timeslices. Big thanks to Steve Vinoski for making this easy (see
Please note that the decoding doesn't handle whitespace, yet.
Use an erl shell to quickly measure Base64 speed in native Erlang.
Data = binary:copy(<<"0123456789">>, 100000). % Create 1 MiB of data
{Elapsed, Enc} = timer:tc(base64, encode, [Data]).
Throughput_Encode = byte_size(Data) / Elapsed. % Throughput in MiB/s
{Elapsed2, Dec} = timer:tc(base64, decode, [Enc]).
Throughput_Decode = byte_size(Enc) / Elapsed2. % Throughput in MiB/s
And now try the (naive) NIF variant.
Data = binary:copy(<<"0123456789">>, 1000000). % 10 MiB of data
{Elapsed, Enc} = timer:tc(b64fast, encode64, [Data]).
Throughput_Encode = byte_size(Data) / Elapsed. % Throughput in MiB/s
{Elapsed2, Dec} = timer:tc(b64fast, decode64, [Enc]).
Throughput_Decode = byte_size(Enc) / Elapsed2. % Throughput in MiB/s
Quick comparison gives a speedup of x24 on encode and x23 on decode.