SSYC is an ARM-v7a assembly compiler for SysY written in pure C++17.
SSYC, full name slime SysY compiler, is a compiler for C-like language SysY.
- Ease to use compiler driver
- Hand written frontend
- Strong typed IR in SSA form similar to LLVM-IR
- Minimal standard library for IO, debug and profiling
- Pretty assembly output
Minimum requirements
- CMake >= 3.5
- C++ compiler supporting C++17 standard
Recommended configuration (for test, profiling and use of scripts)
- Git
- Clang >= 15.0.0
- 32-bit standard libraries for C/C++
- GTest
- nushell >= 0.78.0
- fd >= 8.5.3
- ripgrep >= 13.0.0
git clone
cmake -B build -S . --install-prefix <install-prefix>
cmake --build build --target install
cmake -B build -S . -DBUILD_TEST=ON
cmake --build build --target testcase
$ slimec -h
ARM-v7a assembly compiler for SysY wriiten in C++ 17
Usage: slimec [options] file...
-h, --help Print help information
-v, --version Print version information
-- Read from stdin
-E Only run the preprocessor
--lex-only Only run the lexer
-S Only run preprocess and compilation steps
--dump-ast Use the AST representation for output
--emit-ir Use the MIR representation for assembler
-o, --output <file> Write output to <file>
-p, --pipe Always output to stdout
-O<opt-level> Specify optimize level [UNCOMPLETE]
-f<flag> Provide extra flag [UNCOMPLETE]