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Dillon Bussert edited this page Jul 1, 2015 · 36 revisions

#** This wiki is out-of date and no longer maintained after the BPA Questions & Answers mandated that all documentation reside in a single git repo. The git history of this repo servces as evidence that our team wrote documentation throughout our 3 sprints. **

Welcome to the Total Briecall Wiki!

Contained in these pages is a detailed overview of our Agile development processes, our toolset and our design strategies.

Our Team

Our team is composed of: the Agile Delivery Team, responsible for the management, design, implementation and deployment of the application; and, the User Feedback Group, responsible for providing user-experience input on the deliverables from each iteration. Our team uses several Tools to facilitate our processes and enhance communication.

Agile Delivery Team

User Feedback Group

Our Tools

Digital Services Playbook

How We Follow the Digital Services Playbook


Human-Centered Approach

Human-Centered Design

Usability Testing

Frontend Design Evolution

Technical Solution

Design Style Guide

Frontend Technologies

Responsive Design



Development Design

Development and Design Process

Backend Design Evolution

Technical Solution

Platform as a Service

Backend Technologies

Continuous Integration Testing

Configuration Management

Continuous Monitoring


Installation Instructions


Launch Total Briecall


Total Briecall is released under the MIT License.

We made a best effort attempt to validate open source and freely available code used for this project. If you believe a licensing error exists, please contact us at

Sprint Closing & Retrospective Meetings

Sprint Closing Meetings

Sprint Retrospective