Indigo | Kinetic |
This repository is used to control real aubo's MRA(module robot arm) by ROS.
- The mra_basic package is the driver to commuicate with the real MRA hardware and provides the some related topic of the ros control.
- The mra_control package is the abstraction of real MRA hardware.
- The mra_core_msgs package is the communication messages between mra_control and mra_basic.
- The mra_joint_state_publisher package is used to simulate MRA_API to send joint state and mra state
- The ros_control stack :See ros_control documentation on
- The ros_controllers stack is the implement of related ros controllers.
- The mra_joint_state_publisher_control package is used to control mra joints by subscribing the "/joint_state" topic published by starting demo.launch in the *_moveit_config.
- The MRA has kinds of arm configurations composed of the module joins, such as dual arms, 7Dofs arm, 6Dofs arm, etc.
- You can only modify the configure file to suit different Dof arms, and don't need to modify the mra_basic source code.
- Support the trajectory msgs generated by move_group in MoveIt!.
- Support safe operations in real-time.
- Multiple kinds of control mode
- basic position, velocity, effort.
- controlling signle joint or arms by ros_control.
- A kind of MRA description with moveit configure.(If you need to plan to control the mra.) For example mra7a.
- A real MRA and gripper(Optional).
- ROS Indigo on (recommended) Ubuntu 14.04 of 32 bit or 64bit, or ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04 (under development) These packages may work with other configurations as well, but they have only been tested for the one recommended above.
- MoveIt!: sudo apt-get install ros-<indigo>-moveit
- peak-can-linux-driver
Create a catkin workspace if you don't already have one (we recommend a separate one for MRA)
mkdir -p ~/ros_ws/mra_ros_ws/src cd ~/ros_ws/mra_ros_ws/src catkin_init_workspace
Clone this respository to your catkin workspace
cd ~/ros_ws/mra_ros_ws/src git clone git clone git clone
cd ~/ros_ws/mra_ros_ws rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo -y (If you meet some error, you need "rosdep update") catkin_make
Firstly, startup the your MRA hardware.
The three control way as below:
Control single joint by ros_control.
roslaunch mra_control mra7a_hw_position_bingup.launch rostopic pub /mra7a/joint7_position_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 1.5 //control the seventh joint move 1.5 radio.
Control the whole arm by planning.
roslaunch mra_control mra7a_trajectory_rviz.launch
Contorl single joint by QT control panel.(You need install QT. So, you totally can save your time to skip the test.)
In the mra_basic/src/control_panel/CMakeLists.txtset(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "/home/lmn/Qt5.3.2/5.3/gcc/lib/cmake") //Set your QT path.
In the mra_basic/CMakeLists.txt, cancel the comment below.
Running in three terminal
first terminal: roscore second terminal: rosrun mra_basic joint_control third terminal: rosrun mra_basic control_panel
Test: control the MRA7 for the random motion.
roslaunch mra7a_random_motion mra7a_random_motion.launch